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I had been walking for about a week on the little sleep I had gotten from the night I had the dream. I had given up on trying to avoid brambles, as my skin looked like I had run through a knife museum during an earthquake, and my hair probably looked even worse, when I came across a lake, beyond which was a castle. I stumbled faster, tripping on roots as I ran towards the lake. When the water reached my knees, I dove in,staying close to the surface in case I ran out of breath. I reached land, and began to run towards the castle. Whoever lived here ought to be wealthy enough to spare a slice of bread and some fresh water, right? I stopped at the oak doors and pulled them open carefully. I snuck in, and had started to the next set of doors, when the doors I had just closed creaked open again. I saw a scabby hand that looked like it had decayed in water was pushing the door open. When the door was finally open, I saw hundreds of black hooded ghost looking things floating towards me, and I suddenly noticed the air had gone cold. I started running, trying to get away. Then, just to my right, I saw a hook-nosed man leaving a room with a sour look on his face, like had just lost an important argument. I ran up to the door, and when I tried to knock, I found I didn't have the strength, so I tried to call out, but instead, all I did was whisper 'help.' before passing out.


I opened the door to Professor Lupin's classroom, about to head back to the Common Room, to wait for Ron and Hermione to get back so I could tell them all about how he had accepted and drank a potion Snape had given him. I gasped at the sight that met my eyes. Instead of a normally empty hallway, there were a hundred dementors. At my feet a girl who appeared to be my age was sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. I backed into the room, stuttering, "Pr-Professor Lupin, de-dementors, girl, there's a girl there."

"What?" he asked, amazed and confused. "Harry, you must be seeing things, dementors aren't allowed-" his voice trailed off once the full scene in the hall came into view he stopped short and shouted "Harry, grab my owl and write a note to Dumbledore asking him to kindly come to my office immediately, please." I obeyed without hesitation, barely registering my surprise at the fact my hands weren't shaking. I looked over and noticed a kind of silvery haze over the girl that was keeping the dementors at bay.

"Expecto Patronum!" I heard Dumbledore yell, barely seconds after I had sent the owl. A silvery pheonix swooped around the dementors, lassoing them together and leading them outside. I gasped when I saw Dumbledore's face twisted in anger and hatred, the usual sparkle missing from his eyes. His expression softened when he saw her.

"Remus, come help me carry her into the room." He jumped forward immediatly, grabbing her under her arms while Dumbledore grabbed her feet. Neither of the two men seemed to notice that I was still in the corner farthest from the door. I started for the door, thinking they wouldn't notice, as they were both leaning over her. Just as I was about to step over the threshold and out of the room, I heard a gasp of shock and surprise, and heard Dumbledore call me back into the room.

"Shut the door, Harry. While I know the story, Proffessor Lupin knows it in it's entirety. Remus?" Dumbledore said, looking away from me towards Lupin.

"Sit down, Harry. This is going to take a bit of explaining...."


A/N~ Ooohh...a cliff hanger!!  Luckily the next chapter's up....next.........XD

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