The Sorting and Diagon Alley

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A/N~Descriptions of the house are from Wikipedia

I followed Dumbledore to his office, trying to remember the way. Soon we reached a giant stone gargoyle. Dumbledore said "Acid pops" causing the gargoyle to jump aside to let us pass. I figured that this was the password and made a mental note to remember it. We walked up the steps and into his office where he sat me down on a stool and put a hat on my head.

"Ah, another Potter, eh?" a small voice said in my ear.

"AHH!" I thought. "Oh, wait, it's just the hat."

"'Just the hat'? That has to be the bluntest-"

"Sorry."I interrupted, blushing.

"You didn't let me finish. That has to be the bluntest and the best description I've ever heard. Thank you. Now, I take it you don't know the houses?" the Hat asked.

"No." I thought, embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed." the Hat said. "Now, Gryffindor values courage, bravery, loyalty, nerve and chivalry, while Slytherin values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness, but Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit, and Hufflepuff values hard work, tolerance, loyalty, and fair play."

"Oh. OK." I thought.

"Now, I see courage, loyalty, ambition, leadership, intelligence, learning, and tolerance, and several other traits. You, my dear girl, are proving hard to place, the hardest I've ever had to sort." the Hat said, clearly impressed.

"Is that a good thing?" I thought.

"It is neither good, nor bad. Let's see... your Gryffindor traits explode in your mind, and while the others are present, they show the I say... Gryffindor!" the Hat said the last part out loud.

Dumbledore clapped and grinned at me. "A fine House to be sure, I am positive you will make great contributions to it."

"Thanks you Proffessor, sir. Now, what was it you were saying about, erm, Diagon Alley?"

"Ah, yes. Stay here while I fetch Harry." Dumbledore said, smiling.

"OK. may I sit down?" I asked.

"What?" Dumbledore asked. "Oh, yes, of course, I should have asked you earlier, I'm sorry."

"I don't mind." I said, and he turned and left the room. I slumped slightly in my chair and fell asleep.


I was in a man's lap, and there came a wail from upstairs. The man started to talk to me.

"Who's a sweet little girl? You are! Yes you are!" he said.

Just then, a woman came up behind the man and said, "She's a baby, James, not a dog," which made the man jump and nearly drop me. "And do be careful when you're holding her, remember what happened when you tried to carry Harry upstairs?"

He blushed and handed me over."Ha-ha, very funny!" he said throwing his wand down on the couch and stretching while she laughed at him. All of a sudden, there was an almighty crash from the front hall.

"Lily! He's here! Take Sarah and go!" the man said running to the door while the woman ran upstairs, holding me close.

"Sarah! Sarah, wake up!" I heard a voice yell.

"Whazgoinon?" I asked blearily.

"You were thrashing around and screaming" a boy my age said.

"You must be Harry, then?" I asked, changing the subject.

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