Detention with Snape

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After Potions, everything went smoothly.


That Saturday, I woke up and went down to breakfast. When I got there, no one else was there. I grabbed a piece of toast and started going over Hermione's notes  that she loaned me. When I was done, I put them down and looked up to see about twenty people at each table. I looked over at a first year.

"Excuse me," I said. He looked over.

"Yeah?" he replied, almost rudely.

"What time is it?"

"Er..." he looked at his watch. "Almost five."

"Thank you." I said, then stood up. He grunted in reply. Rolling my eyes, I scooped up the notes and headed back to the dormitory.


I looked at Hermione's bed. She was still asleep, so I put the cards down as quietly as possible.

Apparently it wasn't quiet enough because she jumped, then rolled over to face me.

"What are you doing up so early?" she mumbled.

"Nothing, just going over those notes you gave me. I'm returning them." I whispered.

"You're done already?" she asked, shocked.

"Well, yeah." I told her. "I've been up since two this morning. They set breakfast out early, come to think of it..."

"Strange. Ah, well. Might as well go down myself. Hey..." she said, getting an evil look on her face.

"What?" I asked nervously as I took a step back.

"How do you feel about getting revenge on Fred and George?"

I grinned. "Let's do it. Oh, but leave Lee out of it. He didn't do anything. He knows better."


We snuck into the fifth year dormitory, and, using the initials on their trunks, figured out who's bed was whose. We quietly put a small chocolate on every bedside table except Fred and George's. Their chocolates were slightly bigger. We then quietly left the room and went down to breakfast.

When Lee, Fred, and George came to breakfast, they were joking and laughing same as always. They sat down in front of us.

"Morning,Hermione! Morning Sarah!" the twins chorused, then chugged the pumpkin juice in front of them. They drank several more glasses of juice, then they started to hit on us, slurring like drunken men.

"Hey," Fred started, pointing at me, "did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? 'Cause you look like an angel."

I giggled flirtatiously, and he grinned. "Will you go to Hogsmede with me?" he asked hopefully.

"Maybe." I replied, then grabbed Hermione's(who was having trouble with George) wrist, and dragged her out of the Hall. There, we burst out laughing.

A minute later, Lee joined us.

"What did you do to them?!" he asked.

"Just gave them a potion that makes them act like they're drunk." I said.

He laughed. "Will they have a hangover later?"

"Only a little one. Mainly a migraine." Hermione said through her laughter.

"You guys are geniuses." Lee said, still laughing.

I bowed. "Thank you, kind peasant. Now please escort the two drunkards to their dormitory." I said in a regal voice, causing him to laugh again.

"Of course, Your Highness. Good day, Queen O'Pranks, Princess O'Pranks." he said as he bowed, then left.

~~~~~~~~~~6:00 P.M.~~~~~~

I knocked on the Professor Snape's door.

"Enter." the cold voice said.

"What will I be doing today, Sir?"

"You will clean these cauldrons until they sparkle, understood?" he said, pointing to a rather large  stack of cauldrons. I honestly didn' t know there were actually this many cauldrons just lying around and some of them looked as though they'd been in the stack for a while.

"Yes, Sir." I replied, and got to work.

A half hour later, Snape came over to me, and looked at the stack of cauldrons I had already cleaned. Finding nothing wrong with them, he left again. 

The same thing happened every half hour for three hours.

"I've finished, Sir." I said when he came back again.

"I'll be the judge of that." he snarled. After he had gone over every last one, he said, "You are free to go."

"Thank you, Sir. G'bye, Sir." I said, then rushed out of the room as fast as possible and when I knew he couldn' t hear me I laughed until I cried, just wait Snape, just wait. 

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