Dumbledore's Office

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(Sarah's P.O.V)

"Ah, it's you, Minerva and Ms.Potter and Ms.Granger. To what do I owe this very late pleasure?" Dumbledore asked politely in a light violet dressing robe. 

"Potter here has had a...dream." McGonagall said, glancing from me and back to Dumbledore.

"Ah. I see. And Ms.Granger?" Dumbledore said, looking at Hermione.

"She seemed to be closest to Potter out of all the girls in the dormitory so I thought she might be a..help to Potter." Mcgonagall said, still staring at Dumbledore.

"Ah. Thank you, Minerva. Please exuse us, I will make sure they get back to their dormitory." Dumbledore said, nodding at Professor Mcgonagall, who nodded and walked out the door. Dumbledore looked at me and said, "I think you know what is coming, judging the look on your face. Will you please tell me your dream?"

I nodded, slightly nervous. I sighed, and began. "I was being chased by a man, who started to use a curse on me-"

"What curse?" Dumbledore interrupted, a slight edge in his voice.

"Umm...it sounded like 'Avada Kedavra' but he didn't get to finish because I screamed." I told him.

"O.k. continue, please." said Dumbledore, nodding.

"I screamed and then I saw Harry in front of me. He kept saying that he had joined the Dark Lord and that I needed to die. Then Ron came and started telling me to give in to death with Harry.  They were both talking in this high, cold voice and they were sneering at me. Then..." I paused, because this was where Hermione came in. With a glance at her, I continued.... "Then Hermione came and was just sneering at me. Then they spread out, so Harry was in front of me, Ron on my left, Hermione on my right, and the other man behind me, they all raised their wands and started to say the curse again but then I woke up. The left side of my face was on fire, and the right side was stinging." Hermione blushed at this last part. 

Dumbledore seemed to notice this and asked, "How did you wake her up, Ms.Granger?"

Hermione blushed harder. "I-I slapped her. I tried to shake her, we all tried yelling at you, but you were shaking and screaming and writhing around, it was hard enough to do even that. I'm sorry!"

"S'o.k., Hermione. I'm glad you woke me up when you did though..." I shuddered.

"Well, Sarah, I think it was nothing more than a nightmare, go back to your dormitories. Since it is so late,  if you don't wake up in time for breakfast in the morning, just call for Winky. She will be more than happy to bring you some breakfast." Dumbledore said. "Understand?"

Hermione and I nodded. We left his office, and headed back to our dormitory. I looked at Hermione, begging her to forgive me. She gasped.

"What?" I asked, startled.

"Your eyes. They're not brown anymore, they're green, like Harry's." Hermione said, slightly nervous.

"What? That's impossible, Hermione, you're just tired. Let's get some sleep." I told her, swallowing the feeling of nervousness. 

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