First Day of Classes. Yay.

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After getting my schedule from Dumbledore, I went to the Great Hall for a small breakfast. I compared my schedule to Hermione's, Harry's, Ronald's, Morgana's, and Crystal's.

"We all have the same classes, except 'Mione, she has a bunch of other stuff too."

"Yeah, we have Potions first today." said Ron. "Hooray."

"Who teaches that?" I asked.

"Snape." he replied. "And it's a double period."

"Not to mention,  Malfoy is that class too! Two hours with that pair first thing Monday morning?! I'd rather eat a vomit !" I complained.

Hermione said "Speaking of....Eat. You promised."

"But I'm not hungry!" I told her.

Ronald looked at the half-eaten toast on my plate. "How? You've barely eaten anything since you got here!"

"I'm just not, o.k.?! If you must know, I lost my appetite talking about that pair of.... You guys just need to get off my back!" I shouted at them, then left for Potions.

After living alone on the streets for seven years, living cooped in a castle full of people was going to take some getting used to.


"Hey" I said as I joined the queue of Gryffindors waiting for Potions Class to start, "Sorry about what happened at breakfast." I said to my friends.

"Don't worry, it's ok." Harry said, and everyone else nodded. "We shouldn't have pried." We all turned when we heard a cold voice say, "Enter." I glared at Snape as I moved past, and was pleased to see him lean back  a little in fear.

" Is it ok if I sit with you and the group?" I asked Harry and the rest nodded in agreement.

Snape had reached the front of the room and barked out, "SIT! QUIET!" as he spun to face us.

I rolled my eyes, then scribbled onto a bit of parchment 'Why does he say that if we're already in chairs and silent?' then passed the note to Hermione, who surpressed a giggle, then passed it to Ronald, who passed it to Harry, who slid it to Crystal, who passed it to Morgana, who passed it to some other girl, and so on. I watched as it made its way to every third year Gryffindor. Fifteen inutes into class, it made it back to me, and everyone was trying not to laugh.

"Get started." Snape's cold voice said. As I lit my fire, I also burned the parchment.

Suddenly, laughter filled the air.

"Mr.Finnegan, Mr.Thomas, What may I ask is so funny?"

"Why is he asking...does he think we will actually share the joke? He must know it's all about him..." I muttered quietly. Hermione giggled back, "you would think..."

"Exactly!" I cried, causing everyone to look at me. "Oh, just saying how pointless it is to ask someone if they can ask them a question and word it so they ask the question anyway. What if they answer 'no'?  Then you won't know which question that's the answer for!" I told everybody. Hermione was now trying to hide her growing laughter behind her hand. "I mean honestly, why waste your breath asking to ask a question? Just ask it! 'Hello' 'Hello' 'May I ask if that's a picture of a monkey's rump?' 'No'. See?! You don't know if the man couldn't ask or if the picture was of a monkey's backside!" I cried to the class. Everyone was laughing, even the Slytherins. Except Snape, who actually looked as though he might faint. 

Not what I expected. A little voice inside my head said.

Me either. Livid, maybe, but not faint....

Think something's wrong?

I don't know, let me look.

And with that, I stared at Snape and entered his memories.

A/N~Cliffy! Haven't done that to you in a little while(especially since it's been so long since I posted), so I figured a good, healthy cliffhanger was in order. HeHe. I just want to thank you  guys, even the silent readers, for reading and for hanging in there with me. I know I haven't been the best about updating, and I'm sorry, but if it helps, in a few chapters, things get a little...nasty between Sarah and Malfoy Senior. Sorry to all of you Malfoy family lovers out there, but I detest them with a passion. Thanks again!

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