Shrieking Shack

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The next few months went smoothly, the only major events being another detention, this time with McGonagal for hitting Harry and Ron upside the head with a rubber chicken, and taking exams.

After our last exam, Transfiguration, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went down to the lake. I went down for a walk in the Forest. Even though it was forbidden, it was still nice for thinking and quiet.

After about thirty minutes of just walking and thinking, I heard a squeal from the area of my foot. I bent down, and was shocked by what I saw.

"Scabbers?!" I asked incredulously as I bent down and picked him up. Just then, a big furry something knocked me over. It grabbed my collar, then started dragging me through the underbrush. When we exited the forest, it turned, and I saw where we were headed. The Whomping Willow. I screamed, and heard a voice call 'Sarah!' before my head vanished down a hole. I grabbed the edges, then winced as I heard a snap and felt myself slip further down the hole. I used my foot to stop myself again, then gasped in pain as my ankle snapped just like my wrist. It pulled me through the tunnel, then into a house and up the stairs. Just then, it transformed into a man.

"Sirius!" I gasped. "What are you doing? You'll get caught!"

He stared at me, then picked me up and carried me up some stairs and laid me down on a bed. He lit a candle, then focused the light on my face. "Who are you?" his hoarse voice whispered. "You look almost like...but she's dead, I saw her body..."

"I'm Sarah Potter."

"No, you aren't. You can't be. She's dead."

"No Sirius, it is, I'm alive! I was never dead!"

Just then, Harry, Ron and Hermione came in the room.

"Leave her alone, you murderer!" Harry shouted at Sirius.

"Harry, no, he isn't a murderer!"

"Yes he is! He's the reason Mum and Dad are dead! He killed twelve Muggles!" he screamed. A pained look crossed Sirius' face. "And Peter Pettigrew!" At this, Sirius' face grew clouded, and he opened his mouth to speak.

 "Let me explain, Harry." he said as the door flew open and Lupin walked in.

"Leave them alone Sirius!" he said, his wand pointed at Sirius' heart.


"Thank you. I wasn't the spy. Peter was."

Remus looked shocked. "Wormtail? I never would've believed...that traitor!"

Sirius nodded. "I thought it was you at first, but then I realized-you don't have a reason. James was your first friend ever, you said so yourself, why would you betray him and his son? Then it hit me...Peter always followed us because we were the big guys at school."

Remus sighed. "I thought it was you. Your family had always been pure-blood maniacs...I don't know why it never occured to me that you had never been part of that...Peter always seemed too afraid to be a spy...but you were Secret Keeper."

"We traded at the last minute. I figured Voldemort would go after me instead of him." Remus nodded, urging him to go on. "I went to tell the Potters, but when I got there, it was too late. James dead, Lily dead, their precious little girl dead, only their little boy alive, wailing, holding his sister. He fought me when I picked him up, I guess he knew Sarah was alive."

"I'm sorry." I said. Sirius looked shocked.


"Maybe if I had cried, you would've known and you wouldn't have gone to's all my fault, all of it!" I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "Maybe Mum and Dad should've just given me to Voldemort. Then none of us would be here." I said, the tears spilling over as I looked at my lap.

"What? No! No, Sarah, no!" Sirius said, rushing over. I gasped and choked in pain as he sat on my broken wrist. "None of that was your fault! It was that murderous traitor's fault!"

I sniffed."But if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be a traitor."

"Yes he would."

I sighed in defeat. "But you're still a wanted criminal."

"So? I'll get freed."

I nodded.

Harry stepped forward. "Sorry for saying that stuff."

Sirius shrugged. "It's ok."

 "Should we head back to the castle?" asked Hermione, finally speaking.

I nodded and stood. Well, tried to stand. The second I put weight on my ankle it gave, and I fell face-first to the floor.

"Sarah!" Sirius, Harry, Ron, Lupin, and Hermione cried.

I groaned, and put a hand to my forehead. "I'm fine." I said, then put my hand down.

"You're bleeding!" Hermione cried.

I looked at my hand. Sure enough, there was blood. I sighed."We'll add that to the list of things to be mended when we get to the castle."

Lupin looked at me. "What else is hurt?"

"My ankle and my wrist."

"I can't help with the wrist or face, but I can put a splint on your leg." he said and waved his wand. A splint appeared on my leg, making my leg straight again and the pain diminish.

"Thanks." I said, standing up. "Let's head back." And with that, we left the Shrieking Shack the same way we came.

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