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Jay: imma SKYPE you.

Jay is calling...

"AYYYYYE!" He shouted into the mic on his earphones.

"Jesus. Chill out."

He dark brows knitted together as he squinted at the screen, then he scrubbed is face with one large hand, ironing out the crease in his forehead.

His black hair fell lazily across his forehead, damp from a recent shower and dishevelled from the amount of times he had ran his fingers through it.

"Your camera isn't working." He said on a sigh, his American accent coming through strongly.

"I know," a laugh. "That wasn't part of the deal."

"What deal!?"


"C'mon... we have been friends for two weeks now and I still don't know what you look like."

"Fine, but don't laugh at my unpresentable ass self." I grumbled, tapping the camera button and gauging Jays reaction.

At first his eyes widened, and then his gaping mouth morphed into a killer curvy smile, all white teeth. He nodded whilst still smirking and flicked his tongue over one of his sharp canine teeth.

"Damn, the girl for titties!" He barked out a laugh and I frowned, scrambling to pull my tartan blanket up to cover what my black vest wasn't.

"Piss off." I tucked a strand of blonde-brown hair behind my ear before continuing. "Why did you want to Skype again?"

His features sagged at my question and before he even spoke, I know something had happened.

"Last night I went out to the club with a few friends. We were celebrating a birthday, you know? We just wanted to go enjoy our night like any normal group of guys..." he took in a deep and unsteady breath. "Yeah, so anyway, we have to be careful you know? Cause we're "idols" and scandals over here are legit, the worst thing that can happen to your career."

He wouldn't look directly at the camera, probably sensing my growing animosity.

"I have noticed." I interjected.

"Well we paid to go into the VIP part of the club so that we could have some degree of privacy, but when we said down and finished a round of shots between us all, these girls came up to our table. We through that they just wanted to dance, but we politely declined. Then Loco elbowed me in my ribs and whispered in my ear that one of the girls were clutching something inside her purse and from the corner of my eye, I saw another girl a few feet away with a camera..."

The last few words caught in his throat and tears stung that back of my eyes as I watched him shuffle uncomfortably through the screen. And I couldn't even squeeze his hand in comfort. He dragged his tattooed hand down his face before finally looking at me directly and smiling a big, dopey smile, shaking his head.

"You know what? It don't matter." A nervous laugh.

"Jay." He looked up. "I am here for you. A virtual shoulder to cry on... if you need to get shit like this off your chest, then I promise you don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you, and I sure as hell won't expose you like these crazy ass Sasaengs? Yeah. You can trust me."

"The girl pulled a knife on me... I was so fucking terrified Jord... I... I wanted to slam to bitch! But I couldn't cause they were fucking recording it all." His voice rose with each new word. "They forced me to dance, groped me and violated me before leaving! Said if I even dared to tell someone, they would post the video and make a scandal out of it!"

"Do you think it would land me in prison is I hung them with barbed wire, then cut them up and feed them to some pigs? Cause I will do it."

At this he burst out laughing, a booming and beautiful noise when he had been so somber. Swiping away a tear that escaped during his outburst, he smiled genuinely at me.

"You know, I'm glad that out of the thousands of usernames I could have put in, it was yours."

"Pshaw!" I blushed, pinpricks of heat searing my cheeks. (The top ones... pervert.)

"GRAY! Get back to work!"

Jay was suddenly on his feet, "look, I have to go. Gray has had too much sugar and Simon is going to murder him!"

"Too much sugar?" I mumbled, but he was already gone.

I watched the black screen in a disbelieving shock before a giggle bubbled up uncontrollably.

Me: I hope you realise that I'm gonna pour a whole cup of sugar in his tea if we ever meet.
Me: wait, I already know your answer to that...
Me: "Bitchh Good Luck. But we ain't British, coffee on the other hand ;)"

Jay: WoW. I cannae believe it.
Jay: This hoe knows me.
Jay: ;)

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