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Jay: what are we doing today?
Jay: we only have a few more days left together :(
Jay: why are we always speaking to each other on snapchat..?

Me: Authors rules
Me: and you are at work a lot soooooo...

Jay: truth

Me: idk what do you want to do?

Jay: 🍆🤤💦🤙🏻

Me: Call someone to bring us some juicy ass eggplant?

Jay: ...WoW
Jay: so innocent

Me: that's what you think

Jay: I'll put you in the fucking bin mate

Me: and I'll fucking shit on your pillowcase mmmmmk

Jay: wtf?

Me: your mums chest hair...

Jay: you need help

Me: you turned me into this
Me: everything floats down here...

Jay: NO!

Me: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Me: I know, I may have walked in on you hugging a huge pink stuffed animal with your thumb in your mouth
Me: I may also have taken a picture and sent it to all of our friends...

Jay: plan your funeral
Jay: cause you're dead.

Me: fuck off, I'll eat. You plan.

- OKAY !  I'm having severe writing block... or humour block...  so I might just leave this here for a while... travel deep into the mountains and find the yin to my yang...

Or too see if this book grows anymore😙
Ily all , see you all soon!

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