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"Jordan!" Came a vaguely familiar voice, placing it as Grays voice, I turned on my heels, making a bee line towards the heavily wrapped up guy who stood in a crowd of people wearing khaki shorts and flip flops.

Standing in at only 5"1 I was hardly tall and although my best friend -Megan- was 5"8, I never got used to being around taller people. But then again, that could just be the Little-man Syndrome that plagues the people known to most as the arm rests. Yes, all you small people out there understand this struggle... and all you tall people? Well fuck you man. I'll cut a few inches off the top of you don't back the fuck up.

Megan gasped for air behind me, sweating profusely as she lugged not only her ten-tonne suitcase, but mine too. What can I say? Small people are dicks too.

I shimmied my way through the crowds of people waiting for their beloved family to show up or their friends or co-workers until I reached Gray, I couldn't see his mouth because he wore a mask, but when his eyes pinched together I could already tell her was grinning.

"Yah!" I grumbled, swiping beads of perspiration from my forehead. "You could have told me, us, that it was like... 90 degrees out here!"

"Whe- Wher- Wherterrdddddee..." Megan growled, sounding more depraved zombie than thirsty human. Bitch we need our brains to make money.

Gray held two ice-cold bottles of water out in front of him, I hadn't even seen him move: I was either hallucinating due to heat exhaustion or more logically being written into a Comedy Fan Fiction. But who am I to say? Just the author.

I reached to grab the one closest to me but Megan got there before me, lapping up every drop and even licking the condensation from around the outside of the bottle. Suddenly my thirst could wait. She didn't hesitate to dive into bottle number two, leaving Gray staring questioning at me with wide eyes.

I lifted the two small replicas of the South Korean flag and wiggled my butt as I wafted them through the air Suho style, an apologetic grin etched into my face.

"I think we should go before she sweats those two bottles out and looks at you for more." I laughed and he nodded eagerly.

"Wait!" Megan shouted, drawing the entire airports attention to our small Triangle. "WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOSE!"

She pointed to Gray's feet in which he wore possibly the ugliest pair of spinach-green Nike trainers, white ankle socks and black trousers that refused to cover his ankles. I puked in my mouth a little, but more over, I was trying not to die of laughter.

Gray huffed as a small crowd that surrounded us giggles amongst themselves, "No more water for you."

"Say no more food." I whispered in his ear, standing on my tiptoes in order to reach.

"And no more food."

With those last few words, he was tackled to the floor, Megan straddling him and yelling at him to 'take it back' as he whimpered underneath her, squirming to get free.

"Guys, you're embarrassing me." I barked out a laugh as I pulled my phone into plain sight. "Jay is gonna love this video."

"Okay, Jay is right through here." Gray stated, rubbing the growing lump on his head.

I nodded and squeezed Megan's hand, excitement thrilling through me, battling with the anxiety that simmered away in the pit of my stomach. I could practically feel her vibrating with the same emotions, it didn't make me feel any better...

But before I could register what had happened, Jay burst out of the door, his eyes frantically searching until they landed on me and then a wicked grin took its place. He leaned forward... down... down.. down. Now level with my ear, his teeth grazed my skin as he whispered.

"You got it real bad."

I lashed out, instinctively, drilling my knuckles into his bare bicep. In mock agony he flinched, cupping his upper arm in his hand and staggering backwards, his mouth forming an O.

"I felt it was the natural thing to do," I said, fluffing my hair.

"You're... Primal."

I grinned, "Me Jordan, You Jay."

He puffed out his chest before beating it like a gorilla, sending all four of us into peels of laughter. That then lead to me snorting accidentally, forcing us to laugh harder and louder... Had we not have survived, the autopsy would reveal we died of oxygen deprivation. True story.

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