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Jay is calling you...

"Okay Megan, close your eyes and do not freak out..."

She squeezed her hazel eyes shut, hair hair falling in dark tendrils just below her elbows as she wiggles with excitement.

"Hey." I said, lifting my hand to Jay and he looked past me with a stifled laugh.

His now brown hair was slicked back and short on the sides, somehow reminding me of an After Eight mint biscuit. His crimson-brown eyes glimmered with a mix of anticipation, amusement and elation.

His graphic tank top clung loosely to his chiselled body, revealing long, lean muscle with an array of tattoos that extended from his arm to his chest too. His body was the kind every girl could appreciate: friend or foe, you couldn't deny that it was Greek God material... but more Asian than Greek, for obvious reasons.

"Can I look yet!?" Megan whined, pulling me back to the realisation that I was about to reveal to my best friend that one of my other best friends was Jay Park... Thee Jay Park. Like, the fuck?

"Okay, you can open your eyes..."

Her eyes landed on the laptop that rested on the table, the green light beside the camera flashing at five second intervals. The entire screen was taken up by Jay, he lifted his hand lamely and waved at Megan, who was now staring at me. Wide eyes flicking from me to the laptop, me, laptop...

"This is fake," She laughed. "It was only the other day you said that he replied to your snapchat. Then said you was joking"

She glided a finger across the interactive pad of the laptop, trying to figure out if it was a YouTube video or vine that she hadn't seen, but when she realised it was actually on Skype, she froze.

"Hi Megan," Jay grinned, his voice thick and low.

Her face instantly lit up, the most awful shade of Lobster as she tore off her glasses, scrubbed the lenses clean and then shoved them back on her face.

One minute, it was all quite. She was kneeling on the floor beside me, mentally combusting with the overload of FanGirl that took a grip on her heart. Then the next minute she was on her feet, squealing at the top of her lungs and running on the spot. She twirled ungraciously in a circle, her Yorkshire Terrier Chester barking at her and running circles around her before she finally broke into a sprint and disappeared out of the living room. Her stomping footsteps speeding up to her room and the screaming never seemed to break a note.

"How are you?" Jay finished.

"That was.... wow. Urm..." I had no words. "I'm sure she won't be like that every time... damn!"

"Lord, oh Jesus!" He was laughing now, clutching his stomach as he leaned forward, gasping as he struggled to pull air into his lungs. "Please let her do that when she meets Dean, I would record his reaction and upload it to YouTube myself! Oh shit!"

"Don't encourage her," I scoffed. "She has no filter and she will scream shrilly enough to give people brain bleeds."

"Where she go?"

"Probably screaming into her pillow or having a panic attack from running upstairs... either is plausible."

He shook his head and brought his hand to his mouth, clearly hiding a laugh. "Well then, I'm gonna go set up your room before you get here. I'll have someone pick you up from the airport as well, so don't fret."

I sighed, "I'm so excited and anxious at the same time..."

"Me too! And I'm Mr. Confidence man," he winked. "We will be fine, I'm almost positive."

"Good, see you tomorrow!" I pulled a face, my white teeth grinning through my lips, a small squeak escaping my clenched jaw.

Jay: I hope you like fried chicken, I'm ordering in the best fried chicken in Seoul!
Jay: I might invite a few people as a welcome party?
Jay: would that be okay!?

Me: Of course!!
Me: and duuuuuuude fried chicken is boooooooomb!

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