chapter one

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lily pov 

"lily ,your going to miss the bus" carlie comes in my room "im up, just not feeling college carlie, please don't make me go" i say sitting on the floor "you haven't been for 3 weeks babe" carlie says sitting next to me "please ring zara and ask for work ,i can't face it" carlie hugs me " fine ,i'll ring your mom she can come early ,but you have to stay here and do your work" i agree and she leaves my room. "lily?" i hear a little voice coming in my room "yes daisy" i say hugging her "can you put two dutch braids in my hair" i nod and dutch braid her hair ,daisy is only 6 ,she like a little sister to me , she been here a year and i've looked after since the first day she came "there you go sweetie" she hugs me "thank you lily ,go college it will make you happy" i smile "i will just not today ,have fun at school" she skips out my room ,i decide to get ready my moms coming in an hour instead of tonight. 

--------skipped an hours--------

"mom!" i run and hug her "it's only been a week" she laughs ,i love my mom ,we are really close she was 16 when she had me but i lived with my dad as she was still at school and going college ,then i got took off my dad and my mom wasn't aloud me but she visits every tuesday and takes me out every saturday ,she couldn't take me last saturday as my nan was in hospital having a hip operation. "so carlie told me you didn't want to go college again" i sit on my bed doing my work zara emailed me "Couldn't face it ,my anxiety is getting worse" mom hugs me "aw babe ,just stay strong ,huh? why don't i order a BQQ and honey pizza for you and my favourite chicken and bacon" my mom laughs "whats funny?" i say "your face when i said pizza" me and mom talked for ages and i completed a whole day of work in 3 hours "hey mom ,want to go sit in my secret place?" she nods ,we walk down the stairs "oh lucy ,i need to to speak to you for a minute" carlies says "sure" my moms walks in the office ,i sit on the sofa outside the office. i miss my mom loads she 10 years younger than me ,we are like sisters ,just wish i could live with her. Im in the foster system until im 18 then if im not fostered i can legally ,live with me mom. my mom comes out the office we go sit in my secret flower bed,i like to call it "lily ,i miss you ,you know and love you dearly" i hug her  "i miss you and love you too" i smile "well i must go babe" i show my mom out and go to my room.

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