part 19

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lily pov 

"as if your nine months today ,yeah" i say rocking brooklynn ,zoe walks in "you're going to be late, remember rayn ,loves you like a daughter and kicked her son out for you" i smile "i know zoe, see you after 5 and please ring me if you need to" i say "i will , don't worry ,go enjoy your work" i drive to work ,thinking about rayn ,it's going to be hard ,maybe i should let rayn she brook ,it wasn't her fault ,i arrive and go straight to the office, with my boss dotty "so this is your desk ,it is next to rayns, only desk free" she smile "no thats fine ,won't see much of each other anyway" i sit at my desk "you will be following holly for this week" holly use to help me alot when i was here "we need to go and meet a girl called frankie she has bad anxiety and her mom just found and she having trouble coming in" holly said "ok lets go then" as i walk out rayn walks in "hi" i say "oh hi" and we walk past each other "she misses you ,and i know she finding it hard losing tiger but she helped you ,when you was here ,she really misses you" we walk to the gates "Frankie this is lily , she is new and following me and maybe be on the same timetable as me" frankie waves "hi lily" we walk to her lesson.


"rayn can i have a word?" i ask her "erm....sure?" we go to the calm room "i'm sorry rayn ,its killed me ,i didn't mean to stop contact , i was mad at ty" i say "are beaut ,it's fine, how is brook?" she hugs me "she great missing her nan ,if you want to come and see her tonight?" i ask "really ,can i?" she smiles "sure, but its really crowd i'm sharing a room with ,alfie niece she fell out with poppy and refuses to go back ,then moans about brook" i say "hey ,tiger doesn't come near the house ,i'm on my own ,your bedroom is still there for you"she say "really?" i hug her "yeah move in tonight if you want" she says. we say bye to everyone and rayn followed me back. 


"zoe ,i brought rayn, we need to talk and alfie" i say "whats up?" zoe says "well rayn said there still space for me and tiger wants to talk" i say "If you want to go ,we can't stop you and you and tiger may sort things out" alfie says "Alfie ,are you kidding me?" zoe screams "you just want her gone because gracie won't go back to poppys!" zoe screams "listen ,i don't want to take lil and brook away from you but she needs space" rayn says "you look after her rayn and if your son hurts her again ,i will hunt him down" zoe says "i will and i will join you" i pack mine and brooks things and move to rayns "say bye bye to auntie kira" kira kisses her "see ya later sis" tom says "zoe ,don't fall out with alfie over her ,you know gracie doesn't like you, but any problem and i will be round here" i say "Alfie ,well i haven't a clue whats got into you but lay of zoe and if you want to be a grandad , try acting like one" i walk out and go back to rayns.

rayns pov 

"oh ,what you doing" i say to gorgous  granddaughter "you think the world of her ,don't you?" lily say "yes i do, and ty is in the kitchen please talk" i say "rayn, i'm not promising anything but i will talk to him ,i'm just going to change this one" she takes brooklynn and i got in the kitchen "you know i hate what you did but if she willing to give you another chance,then you better treat her right and not cheat again ,because you will lose not only her and your daughter ,you will lose me" i say "mom, i won't and i never cheated ,i lied i was scared ,but im going to be the best dad ever" lily walks in and i go out to look after brook. i hope they get back together ,i love them both dearly.

lily pov 

"Thats not the point tiger ,you told me you cheated to get out of being dad"i shout "im sorry ,i was scared" he shouts "you was scared what about me?" i scream "i needed to think of myself" he said "think of yourself, your selfish." i scream "can we get back together, for my sake and plus brook needs a dad" he says trying to hug me "get off me tiger ,you can see brook and when she is older you can have her overnight ,but i'm not getting back together ,come back tomorrow and we will sort a plan out." tiger leaves "i'm sorry ,lil" rayn walks in "it's fine ,i'm sorry that i can't get with him ,i can't trust him" 

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