Part 18

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--------8 months--------

lily pov 

I'm 8 months today and i left work last week ,so i've been visiting zoe and having friends round and tidying up for rayn, i get in the car and go and pick rayn up as they had a meeting 5 to 6 ,and her car broke and i need my car so i said i would pick her up ,plus i start working here with rayn after the baby. i arrive at the college and walk up to the office "hey you getting big now"jane laughs "yep ,can't wait to get this little miss out"we laugh "going to get rayn?" she asks "yep" ,we walk in the office "This one yours" janes laughs "right guys see you all monday have a good weekend" we get in the car "Good day?" i ask rayn "busy day ,everyone decided to not go lessons because of anxiety ,wheelchair either out of charge or just stop working" she sighs "oh god ,well i've cleaned top to bottom and tiger won't be back until 10 so he said to order pizza and we will have it tomorrow" i laugh "ok ,how you been today"she asks "good ,this little one been kicking like mad" i laugh ,we arrive home and i sit on the sofa with rayn watching my favourite season once upon a time.

2 hours later

rayn pov

"im going to wash put our plate then go to bed" i say to lily "ok ,well i'll stay up and go up when you go" she says i go in the kitchen and wash up there's only 2 plates so i was done in 5 minutes "rayn ,i think my waters have broke" lily comes in "oh right ,erm let's get you to the hospital" i say ,we drive to the hospital and i can't get hold of tiger. i walk in to lily's room "babe ,i can't get hold of tiger ,i phoned his work and his not there either." i say "where is he ,if he misses his daughter's birth ,i will kill him" she screams in pain "aw babe ,maybe his on his way we did text him" i say "right lily you need to push" the doc says "come on lil you can do this" she squeezes my hand, after and 1 my grand daughter  was here and lily was settled and holding her newborn "where is he rayn?" she asks "I dont know but when he turns up ,his had it" i say. its been 5 hours zoe and alfie are here and myself "rayn you can go if you want" lily says "no, i'll stay" i say. tiger walks in "where have you been?" i ask him "lily i'm sorry but i... well lied about being at work ,i've found someone else ,i can't be a dad at my age" he say "what? are you joking me tiger" i shout "Get out tiger!" lily screams "you too rayn ,and you can blame your son why you can't see brooklynn" she screams "babe ,it's not rayns fault" zoe says "Get them out" i leave and drive back, i get back at ty comes in "mom ,its for the best" he says "For the best really?" i scream "mom ,im 18" he says "pack your stuff and get out ,i don't  want you here"

next part will be lily starting work and brooklyn will be 9 months old ,and stay will zoe while she at work ,she still not spoke to tiger or rayn

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