chapter 7

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lily pov 

"bobby!" i scream and she runs to me "lily! what's happened" she hugs me "Nothing why?" i laugh "oh the way you screamed " she laughs "come on ,let go get a starbuck" we both look at each other "STRAWBERRY AND CREAM" we both shout laughing. we get our starbucks and walk towards our lesson "Bobby , you can't sleep at the home tomorrow" i say "oh no worries ,i'll meet you there" bobby say " NO ,im moving in with zoe full time , you can sleep zoes" i laugh ,bobby scream and jumps up and down "omg really" she hugs me and we run to find rayn "rayn!" i shout running to her "are you ok?" she stops and looks worried "I'm moving in with zoe" she hugs me "oh im so please lily" i smile "don't tell lexi she in my next lesson" we say bye and go to science "who we got bob?" i ask "science with amber" bobby says rolling her eyes "sit next to me ,she nice you know ,it's because you talk and moan " we laugh and walk in amber lesson "hi guys ,good to see you two with each other " we smile and giggle "here are you work sheets ,lily wheres lexi" i shrug my shoulders and get on with my work , lexi is 20 minutes late "bobby ,somethings up ,lexi never not tells me if she can't come" i look at bobby "i know ,something happened lil" then rayn comes in "hey lil , lexi had a-a-a meeting" rayn says "erm with who she normal tells me or the staff?" i look and rayn "i don't know lil ,lets not worry" i look at bobby and whisper "we need details ,rayn is lying" bobby nods.


"lil what do you thinks going on?" bobby asks "I don't know ,she always emails me or tells someone and i normal know bye start of lesson" bobby drags me around the wall "Bobby!" i scream "shh look" i look at lexi is coming out block s with her boss and the head of english "i cant wait for you to start tomorrow" i hear the head of english say ,i run up to her.

lexi pov (because what the hell)

"Really ,you liar ,how lexi!" lily screams at me "lily stop" i hear bobby run after her "i knew she'd be like this" i say " go after her lexi" my boss says ,i run after her and bobby runs towards me "lexi she gone mad punching walls in block k toilets zara and ruby are trying to stop her" i run to block k and go in the toilets "lily stop" she stops "stop really ,your going to be an english teacher" she scream "yeah i am ,but you will have me once a week and rayn the rest" i scream back "no have fun in english lexi ,oh and by the way , i moving in with zoe that you care" she runs out the toilet "im messed things up i say walking in the office to rayn "lexs i told you to tell her" i look at rayn "she said she hates me ,and i don't care and to have fun in english she always knew you cared more" i feel a tear come down my face "she hurting ,she will come around ,i think todays playing on her mind and losing her mom ,she hurting and she really cares about you and you care about her just give her space" 

--------care home--------

zoe pov 

"Alfie you ready to be parent?" i said hugging me "yep" he smiles ,we hear the door bang open  "lily stop todays a post to be a happy day" myself ,alfie and carlie ran out the office "bobby what happened" bobby hugs me "omg it alfie ,sorry erm yeah lily ,well lexi now a english teacher didnt tell her lily got upset and ran up to lexi and had a go then ran punching things" i say "omg shell i go up?" i asked carlie "yeah with bobby"  we walk upstairs "lily?" i say "go away" she screams "lily don't take it out on zoe" bobbys says "i can do what i want now get out" my eyes fill with tears "lily come on ,lets go home and talk hey" i say "this is my home ,i dont want to live with you or alfie actually i dont want anything to do with you two" i run and go to the car "what happened?"


lily pov 

 "lily ,here brought you a kfc ,your favourite lunch box" carlie says "thanks" i take it sitting up "aw lily ,why?" carlie said sitting next to me "i dont know , i love zoe but i was scared then the whole lexi thing" i say crying again "carlie i want zoe" carlie goes out and bobby comes in "you haven't gone home" i ask her she sits snuggling me "no you're my best mate i couldn't leave you in that state" she smiles "Did i upset zoe and don't lie" i say "you want the truth , she came down in tears had an anxiety attack told carlie she would bring your stuff back tomorrow and left" she said "oh poor zoe" we watch tv in the living room as everyone was asleep and carlie said i could stay up. 


"lil? wake up" i hear bobby whisper ,i wake up and sit up and we walk toward the stairs "ZOE!" i run and hug her. "im sorry , i love you zoe i really do" i look up ,her eyes are bloodshot and puff like mine "i love you too lily, i'm sorry for storming out" she hugs me tight "i'm sorry i caused you to have an anxiety attack " she sits on the sofa by the stairs "zoe can i come live with you still?" i say crying "of course if you are sure you are ready" i nod and say bye to carlie "wait!" i run upstairs and walk in daisy room "i love you daisy ,im sorry i didn't say bye" i put my old teddy and a picture of us both on the side and walk out the room crying again "let's go babe" we get in the car and drop bobby off at home "bye see you tomorrow at 7" we wave bye and go home.

--------zalfie house--------

zoe pov 

"lily!" alfie runs and hugs her "hello alf ,im sorry" he hugs me "you two off to bed ,zoe stay with lily tonight if you want" myself and lil go upstairs to her room "im glad im here zoe i love you" and we fall asleep 

sorry its long i was enjoying writing and got carried away


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