Chapter 3: Detective!

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The fight for dominance rages between the person who has the skull heart, even if they don't know they have the heart. Their choices of good deeds will help, or having the will of freedom, the person gain dominance over his body from the skull heart. But the choice of harming others, or letting one emotions drive them, helps the skull heart corrupts the person.


"Ow!" Marie yelp as I patted a cotton ball, with alcohol, on her bruises. I bought some medical supplies for treating Marie's bruised, alcohol, ice pack, bandages, band aids, and a small bag of cotton balls." Why does it always stings so much?" I couldn't help but to laugh at her whining voice, it was cute.

"At least it tells you that you're alive than dead." I said, Marie didn't like my comment, she picked up a pillow and softly hit me with it.

"JERK!" I laughed as Marie tries beating me up with a pillow before I tapped another bruise on cheek. Marie hissed from the work of the alcohol before dropping the pillow on the bed. The men that beaten he did a bit damage to her, but nothing too serious thankfully.

"There," I put away the cotton ball before grabbing the bandage" No more painful stings, now just bandaging you up and leave all the human body healing process to do the work." Wrapping the first bandage around Marie's left arm, I noticed how she relaxed after hearing the news. She looked at me with those crimson eyes as I finished bandaging her arm. I'm still new to this whole city since I only got lucky because of my notes and sense of direction.

Picking up another bandage I wrapped it around Marie's left leg. Again silent was between us as I continued wrapping the bandage around her leg. Finished with the bandages, I picked up the band aid and placed the band aid on her cheek.

"(Y/N), when you said you just moved in here did I ruined any of your plans?" Maire asked, sounding a bit sad all of a sudden. I shook my head and waved my right hand in front of my face.

"Na, you made it interesting like I always had every time I work as a detective for nearby cities or towns." I said, picking up the two trash I threw them in the bag before setting it on the table.

"You're a detective?" Marie asked as she got off the bed. I nodded my head before exiting the room with Marie.

We both went out the apartment and down to the main lobby then out the back exit. The city was now busy with people now, Marie and I had some problems with people walking by us some gave us dirty looks like we're alley kids looking to rob someone. We walked through town to find a shop for groceries, but I don't really know my way around this part of the city so I looked around to find a shop that sells fruits and vegetables, seasonings, meat, and many more.

Walking a block from the hotel, I saw crime scene with cops around a jewelry store with yellow tape around it. Marie looked at me with a curious expression before following my gaze at the store. The shop owner was an old man and he looked furious and walk talking to the cops, but something wasn't right he wasn't yelling at them just talking to them like a normal person, this was interesting usually whenever I ask a shopkeeper what happen, they sometimes yelled at me.

We began to walk again, but this time we headed towards the shop owner and watched as the cops began to depart with evidence to the police station. The shop owner now looked depressed, he sat on the side of the sidewalk and looked across from him. While he was looking, I took a look at the crime scene behind the yellow tape, the glass window was broken with shards of glass on the show case, and stolen jewelries.

This was obviously a work of a robber, but I needed more than what I could see from behind the yellow tape. I walked over to the old man and tapped his shoulder, gaining his attention the shop owner looked at me.

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