Chapter 10: Blissful night (lemon)

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The message of God was written in the Bible in the 15th century for those who believed in God will have the knowledge of his message to the believers, but there is not always one god that created everything. There are other cultures that believe in other gods, from a culture to believe in one god to another that believes in many. The Trinity may be goddesses, but they are not the creators of life instead they are destroyers of life.

I never had a chance at life in just having one ordinary day that doesn't involve the whole society from crimes and exotic discovery. Hell, I don't recall the day I graduated from the police academy that I a single calm day that doesn't involve me getting hurt or others being stubborn. Being in this world may never give me the peace I need, including sleep since the Trinity decided to visit my dream last night. I don't like the fact I can't find a single hour for some nice and quiet time with people around.

Night forced me to stay at the cathedral because how dangerous it is when wandering around at night when there could be some guy with a gun wanting something from you. To even put even more fuel to the fire was that it began to storm outside, wet roads aren't safe when turning a curve on a motorcycle is dangerous and has a higher chance for me to get robbed and at the same time get injured. Being hurt is the last thing I want and the last thing that the girls want too.

"I just say Double thank you for letting me stay for the night," I said as I showed my respect by bowing my head.

"No worries child, you are always welcome here," She said walking around checking on other things that are on her mind. I never really have a full chance to know Double other that she's a sister and owns this place along with keeping it clean for any people or animals wanting to worship the Trinity. Knowing that they're real I'll probably gonna have to pray for them too if I don't want any bad luck.

Pulling out the necklace from under my shirt I took a look at the piece of metal in my hand. Again an upside down cross that was supposed to be the devil's cross saying, "God does not have power here," I still can't believe someone managed to sale this.

'Am I supposed to pray or do I wait until I'm asleep in the dream world?' I asked myself, I looked over my shoulder to Venus' stained glass. 'Will she visit me again?' I turned my head to look straight, but my body shivered from an invisible touch down my spine. Was Venus watching over me now when I was thinking about her or am I just getting paranoid? Soon my body stopped shivering and relaxed as the invisible pressure on my back disappeared. Why I getting into being dominated by a Goddess, was I starting to miss Venus' soft touch on how she treated me when we first met from a kiss to the next stage?

I shook my head of these thoughts and forced myself to forget what I asked a few seconds ago. This night was starting to make me think of lubed thoughts of Venus kissing me again and her touch. My point of view on the subject was blurred, I can't see anything over than a blurry image of what I should do next when I sleep again. Hell maybe staying up this late was probably stressing out my brain, making me have these thoughts

"(Y/N)," I heard Double's voice behind me and turned around to see her standing behind me. "A room is prepared whenever you feel tired just asked me, I will show you to your room for tonight."

"Thanks Double," I said and watched as Double walked away, but a curious part of me stopped her. "Wait..." Double stopped before she was even a full six feet away from me. "Can you show me how to pray?"

"Of course child." She made her way over where I was and sat by me. "Do you have your cross?" I nodded my head and showed the cross in my hand. "Good, copy what I do." Double held her cross in her hands like she was praying to God. "Trinity Goddesses bless us for this night, we thank you for showing those that believe your wisdom and hope as the light of yours will guide us to our fate. May we find peace in the afterlife when the time comes and follow the path you have destined us to take." I have to say that was pretty different than any of the Christian's prays I hear when they're praying to God on keeping their family safe or wanting a criminal to be in jail. Letting go of my necklace and letting it face back down to my collarbone I felt a pair of hands rested on both my shoulders, I glanced over my shoulder to see if there was anyone behind me, but there wasn't.

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