I need you to vote

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I'm having a hard time of whether you, the readers, should be a rogue detective or a undercover detective.

The choices has there ups and downs as well of the events are plan in for them. Now let us begin the decision of the part I'm having trouble on.

Guns- Renegade detective that helps a few citizen in New Meridian, having a bad reputation of yourselves, and high chance of going to jail, but will be friends with some gangs that helps the people being terrorized by the Medici as well be targeted by the Black Egrets.

Keys- Undercover detective working for the Black Egrets and lab 8, having a good reputation of yourself, and have a low chance of going to jail, but will be targeted by the Medici gang including another gang as well.

I need everyone's help until I see what choice has the most votes then it'll be added in the story and the progression. Again please vote and don't be shy on which choice you picked.

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