Chapter 15: Before the bloodshed

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There have been many stories of darkness told throughout generations. This darkness was believed to be the Skull Heart ever since the discovery of that artifact. No one knows how it was created as the gods do not share their secrets to mortals they watch over. The creature that discovered the artifact is unknown, even to this very day of society.


Scarlet hair, tiger orange eyes, light skin, and a tight sweater with a silver cross on it, and a short (very short) skirt that if possible I could see her panties if she slightly lifts up one of her legs. Parasoul, the leader of the Black Egrets and the princess of Canopy City. Now our second encounter with each other wasn't so great because how I went on a rampage and didn't know how to control my parasite. She may be calm and hard to read, but our second talk to each other made it clear how mad she was and disappointed too. However, now things were made up and I'm a detective under her command I can say that we probably made up, not entirely though because how she's giving me that dangerous glare.

After Clovey had knocked me out with what I thought was chloroform, it was actually something else stronger than chloroform. She somehow managed to carry my unconscious body from the alleyway we talked into a concealed room that looks like one of those room for interrogation. I don't like the fact that Clovey decided to knock me out with some kind of chemical that I wasn't familiar with. Whatever it was I can definitely say that I should be careful around that girl again.

"So is it really necessary to knock me out and drag me to an isolated room, because if it is then couldn't you have called me or send me a letter in the mailbox? Wouldn't it be easier to do so than risk Clovey's identity?" I asked wondering why she didn't do those things instead of having Clovey knock me out.

"Hmm, I could have called you except you didn't give me your number for your telephone, I couldn't risk sending an important assignment for you to do in the mail because how they are always checked by street thugs, and I didn't risk Clovey's identity. Have you ever heard of Chan Gur Ler?" I shook my head, I have no clue what a Chan Gur Ler was as I never heard of one before and this was the first time hearing a different species that I haven't seen and named in the city. Parasoul smiles as she takes out a few papers from an envelope and handed them to me.

The first thing I did when looking at the papers was starting off with the pictures clipped on the sides of the paper. Three of them involved a creature, but the first two involved a chameleon the second and last shows the changed chameleon. At first, I thought it was some sort of blob creature, however, looking at the picture more closely I could see it has the body shape of a canine similar to that wolf I fought up against. Reading the papers was the second thing I did, turns out that this Chan Gur Ler is a shapeshifter of a living fluid known as Alivian Goo founded somewhere near the desert between two kingdom's borders. They were troublemakers, deceiving their prey before wrapping themselves around that unfortunate soul and began to eat them by melting them inside their bodies. A horrible way to go but that's life. The last thing on the list about them was how only a handful of them are friendly and sane as the rest are not friendly and have seemed to lost their sanity long ago.

"So Clovey is a Chan Gur Ler?" I asked looking up at Parasoul. Her answer was a simple nod. This really got me confused, Clovey knew Old Sam and even when I bought three keys and a lock from her, and she didn't give off that weird feeling whenever someone is watching you with interest. "How come she didn't bring any attention to herself when she was following me, I know that most would ignore the sight of a girl following a man but that doesn't mean there are some that would be curious pay some attention on what is happening. Yet, you said she didn't blow her cover of being a Key and Lock seller."

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