Chapter 8: Unexpected events part 1

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New Meridian is filled with criminals from low thieves to high ruling Mafia. The cops in the city were paid off when the Medici first came into power, they have been in power since the beginning of Lorenzo's youth. After the attack of Skullgirl, Selene Contiello, Lorenzo and the other Medici were arrested, but the man who arrested with the cops was no more than a beaten corpse...or so they thought.


Waking in an instant, from having that weird dream, I lifted my head up and glanced around to see if I was still in the master bedroom in bed with Marie. When my eyes scan the entire bedroom I figured out that I was still in bed with Marie and still in the bedroom. What was that dream I had, was it a strange dream or was it an actual visit from one of the Trinity goddesses themselves...that woman...she...she kinda straight forward of making me hers like that one chapter from the Odyssey where Calypso tried to keep Odysseus to herself. A shiver went down my spine as the thought of being a trophy husband to a goddess or two goddesses, I'm not some man to be forced into something I don't like...well I did like the kiss and what she was doing too.

Laying my head back down I turned my head slightly to the left and saw Marie, head resting on my chest. I blushed as I could feel her soft cheeks rubbing against my chest.

'Her cheek feels so soft and smooth...' I moved my right hand out from the blanket and rested it on her other cheek.' hmm, I'm glad she's okay. The bandage is still on her cheek from the day before yesterday.'

Staring down at Marie sleeping self for a few more seconds I noticed that she was smiling the entire time as she snuggled up closer to me enough to feel her breasts against my bare chest. My face felt like it was on fire from the skin contact of her top privates, this is absolutely the first time that I ever felt a, near naked, girl's breast on my chest before. Pulling the covers off of me, I slowly and carefully gotten out of bed and pulled the covers back over Marie before exiting out of the room.

I went to the fridge to see if there was anything in it, but when I opened it I was met with an awful smell and nothing in the fridge. Shutting the door before the smell could spread any further, I walked back to the living room and sat down on one of the couches.

'I might have forgotten about no food part in the fridge, but I did not know about that awful smell. Maybe I could go back to that restaurant and get some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and some toast. Does Squigly and Leviathan eat?' The last part made me curious, does Squigly eat? I never saw her eat, actually when I'm around at least, or saw her drink anything. I slumping over the armrest by me and slowly, so slowly, pulled up my bag by the couch below me and placed it on the table. I need to put on another pair of pants, boxers, and socks. The shirt I'll get back from Marie once she wakes up, but for now I best give us a head start when we begin cleaning this place up...I wonder if the washer machine and drier works?

\POV Marie/

Cold I felt so cold that it threatens to wake me up from my sleep. I tried my best to snuggle up to something, but there wasn't anything to snuggle up with. I curled up into a ball before I heard the door squeaked open, waking me up from my sleep.

"Hmm?" I groan and slowly sat straight up, I curled up my legs beside me and rubbed my left eye with hand. Opening my eyes a bit, I saw (Y/N) standing there by the door. His face was red as his eyes were on me, but what is he staring at?

I followed his gaze down to my chest and saw what he was staring at. The white T-shirt (Y/N) gave me was no longer on me, I was naked. I screamed, causing (Y/N) to turn his head and cover his eyes with his hand, and picked up a pillow and threw it at him. Of course, the pillow didn't do any harm to him, but staring at a girl's chest is what a pervert would do. I watched as (Y/N) ran out the door blushing.

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