You're Pregnant: Zach LaVine

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Sydney POV

"Wow" I said as I looked at all 5 pregnancy test on my sink counter.

"What do they say" my best friend Kayla asked.

"They're all positive, what am I'm going to tell Zach Kayla, We never talked about kids before" I said getting nervous.

"Look I'm it's gonna be okay boo Zach will be happy more like excited, I'm gonna home because Zach will be here in few okay...Call me later" she said hugging me and then walking out my room.


It's been 30 minutes since Kayla left and I haven't moved this bathroom yet I stood in front on the mirror looking at my 5'4 frame trying to picture myself with a baby bump.

The more I thought about it the more I got excited because it'll be fun having a little me or Zach running around. I'll love company when Zach is gone on away games.

"Babyyyyy!" I heard Zach yell.

"In the bedroom baby" I yelled back as I stuffed all 5 pregnancy test in a bag and putting it under the sink.

I ran to our bed and tried to get in a normal position trying to look suspicious.

"Hey Babygirl" Zach said as he came in and pecked me lips.

"Hey babe how was practice" I asked.

"It was great coach wasn't hard on us since we won the other day" he said dropping on the bed beside me.

I decided to go ahead and tell Zach because it's eating me up trying to hold it back for him.

"I got some great news baby" I said getting excited all over again.

"What is it"

"I'm pregnant" I said smiling but soon turned to a frown when Zach didn't respond back to me.

"You're what!" He yelled standing up.

"You're lying right" he said.

"No I took 5 test and they all came back positive" I said.

"No no no you got to get rid of it my career is getting better and a kid right now is gonna do nothing but mess that up" he said pacing around the room.

"You don't want the baby" I questioned about to breakdown in tears.

"No I don't" he yelled.

"Well I'm not getting rid of the baby so I don't know what to tell you" I said.

"See this is why I should've stayed with my ex Hunter because she'll understand, but you want to be stubborn" he said making my blood boil.

"Well go back to her because my child and I will be fine with or without you so bye" I said not letting my tears fall.

"I will then" he said as he stormed out my bedroom.

As I heard the front door slam shut I fell down on my bed and and finally let my tears flow out. I can't believe him right now.

2 weeks later

It's been a couple of weeks since the Zach incident and I been ignoring everything about him I wouldn't watch his games I wouldn't even accept his mother and sister phone calls.

I just got back from the doctor and the doctor said I'm 2 months pregnant, I should've known when I noticed I missed my period but my period usually skips months so I didn't pay it any mind.

Right now all I want to do is lay in my bed because I have a major headache and I need a nap. I made my way upstairs and walked into my bedroom to see Zach standing beside a huge teddy and a card saying I'm sorry.

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you"

" Well guess what I don't want to talk to you so you can go now" I said slipping my shoes off and sitting in my bed.

"Look please hear me out I'm begging you" he said with puppy dog eyes which he know I'm a sucker for.

"You have 5 minutes"

"The night I left I didn't go to Hunter house... to be honest I haven't talked to Hunter at all, I went to my parents house. I got so upset with saying you're pregnant b/c I'm scared that I won't be a good father" he said looking me in my eyes.

"Zach why don't you think you're won't be a good father"

"Because I'm so young I don't know what to do a baby" he said with his head down.

I let out a deep sigh and thought about it.

"Well we can learn together plus we'll have your mother and Kayla to help us" I said grabbing his chin for him to look at me.

"Wait so that mean you're my baby again" he asked smiling.

I nodded my head as he attacked my face with kisses.

"Think about it babe it we're gonna have a little us running around here" said touching my stomach.

"we need to start buying cute little clothes"

"Baby we can't buy clothes until we know what we're having so slow down" I said laughing.

"Ok ok, I'm so excited for this now" he smiled.

"Me too, Zach I love you"

"I love you baby and you too" he said kissing my stomach.


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