Chapter One

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"I'll love you forever and ever Rae if you could cover this shoot for me. I mean I swear my boss is scatterbrained, who books a photographer for two shoots on the same day at the same time."

I look up from where I was staring into my fridge while eating from a jar of peanut butter with a spoon like the classy bird I was, to see my best friend Amy storm into my apartment using the key I already regretted giving her. She didn't sound like she was in a very good mood, so I did the first thing that popped into my head. I go to hand her the jar of peanut butter and smile.

"Would some peanut butter make you feel better?"

Amy stares at me like I'd grown two heads or something. Okay, I'll admit it wasn't one of my finest moments, but she took me by surprise and could be hard to read sometimes.

"No I would not Rae, you know I have a nut allergy."

I make an 'O' shape with my mouth, maybe we weren't as good of friends as I remembered being years ago in high school.

"Okay, so tell me about this job and I might help you out because I have no plans for the day."

Amy's face lights up.

"It's a shoot at the beach so you can work on your tan. The main model is called Alysha and she's the nicest human being you'll ever meet or so I've heard from sources. It's for a website launch so shouldn't take too long. I can send you all the information."

Photography wasn't my main hobby but I was good at it in high school, that I decided to major in photography at college and did some freelance work on the side. My main passion was drawing, especially drawing cartoons and cute animals because why the hell not.

"Yeah send me the information."

"Oh my god thank you so much, Rae, you're a lifesaver and I owe you, one girl."

Amy jumps up and runs around the kitchen island to hug me, before skipping out of the apartment with a spring in her step, leaving me alone with my jar of peanut butter and new plans for the day.

Shaking my head I close the front door after her and go to fetch my laptop waiting for her to send me the information. The peanut butter was so good that I decide to take a picture with it and put it on my Instagram because my 20,000 followers loved my odd pictures.

In the end, Amy's boss sends me the information with an early cheque because money makes the world go around. I had a couple of hours before I needed to head to the beach which gave me time to prepare my kit. I also took the time to look up the model Alysha and found out she was dating Mike Fuentes from the band Pierce The Veil. But from her social media, she seemed nice and I liked working with nice people because they made the work easier.

~2 Hours Later~

"Hi, you must be Rae. I'm Alysha."

Looking up from setting up the camera equipment, I lock eyes with Alysha who was wearing the biggest smile I'd ever seen.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm happy to get to work with you."

Alysha chuckles, "oh you're too precious. I stalked your social media beforehand and can I just say some of your cartoons are amazing and I wish I could draw like you."

"Now you're just saying that to make sure I take good pictures of you Alysha."

I raise an eyebrow and try my hardest to look serious but fail and crack a smile. Alysha dramatically flips her hair over her shoulder and struts off, also trying and failing to be serious before bursting into laughter.

"You got me, Rae, now let's get this shoot on the go."

Alysha was lovely and funny so maybe this shoot would be a breeze. Now I really wanted the pictures to come out well, I liked to impress people and hated letting people down.

~1 Hour Later~

"That's the final photo, Alysha. I think they turned out okay if you want to come over and check out a few."

Alysha puts on a robe and walks towards where I was sat on my laptop uploading the photos. She casually throws an arm around my shoulder and leans down to look at the screen; she was a lot taller than me. I watch her face trying to see what she was feeling about the photos, but Alysha was good at keeping me in suspense and playing her cards close to her chest.

"These are amazing Rae, I like the way you were able to capture the background without making it the main focus. And the lighting hits all my best spots. Do you think you could maybe send me a couple so I can post them on social media?"

I nod, "yeah I'll happily send you some later when I get back home and sort through them properly."

Alysha squeals, "Thanks, now I'm going to get dressed and Skype my boyfriend. Rub it in his face that I'm in beautiful Hawaii while he's slaving away in some recording studio in San Diego."

Chuckling under my breath I watch as she all but sprints up the beach towards the changing rooms to get dressed. I get out my phone and send a quick message to Amy along with her boss, Amy doesn't reply but her boss does thanking me for stepping in last minute. Amy was one of those people that loved asking for favours, and then when you did the favour didn't really thank you for helping her out. No doubt she'd try and take some credit for the photos which was why I watermarked every copy. I needed to pay the bills and taking pictures was putting the money in the bank.

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now