Chapter Fifteen

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My head was killing me, what the hell happened last night? We had a great show, then I was supposed to meet Rae at the bar but she was late. I remember getting to the bar and ordering a drink, but everything after that was blurry. I was back in my hotel room and my face was throbbing.

Shaking my head I get out of bed and realise I'm naked, then glance down to see a sleeping form next to me who I hoped was Rae. Trudging into the bathroom I stand in front of the mirror and if my jaw could hit the floor it would have.

I had a black eye and dried blood coming out of the nose and busted lip. To say it again, what the hell happened last night?

"Vic come back to bed."

My whole body tenses, I recognised that voice. But I hadn't heard it in months, and it was most definitely wasn't Rae.

"What the hell happened last night Danielle?"

Running back into the main room I'm stopped in my tracks by Danielle who was very much naked confirming we had sex last night, but I didn't remember her even showing up.

"I came to tell you that I still love you very much Vic, then we had a drink and you asked me to marry you before coming back here to have hot sex. I love the ring, it really brings out the colour in my eyes don't you think?"

I wanted to throw up, the engagement ring I'd bought to give to Rae was on Danielle's finger.

"I don't remember anything about last night? Does it have something to do with why my face is black and blue?"

Danielle chuckles, "Rae came to the bar and you were out of it Vic, too busy making out with me. You should have seen her broken face when I rubbed the engagement ring in her face. Your face is black and blue because Mike stormed in last night as we were having sex, but all you cared about was pleasing me so took the beating."

Picking up the vase closest to me I throw it against the wall in anger and growl, Danielle jumps and removes the ring before throwing it aimlessly onto the bed.

"I won Vic, you're heartbroken as is Rae. If I can't be happy then neither can you. Goodbye Vic."

She quickly gets dressed and skips out of the room, blowing me one last parting kiss.

Someone knocks on the door as I pick up and examine the ring that was meant to be on Rae's finger.

"Go away, I don't want company."


Mike pounds on the door, each time getting louder. I knew I'd have to face my friends eventually, I just wish I could remember last night.

Throwing on a shirt and sweatpants I open the door and let Mike, Jaime and Tony barge into my room. Alysha, Erin and Jessica stay in the doorway.

"Guys I swear I don't remember anything last night after going to the bar and waiting for Rae who was late."

"Pathetic excuse big brother, how could you do such a horrible thing to Rae?"

Mike leans against one of the walls looking pissed off but smug.

I run my fingers through my hair in genuine frustration, "Danielle said we had drinks, that she came to the bar to tell me that she still loved me. Then this morning she said it was all a game to leave me and Rae heartbroken, if she couldn't be happy then neither could we."

"Why did you want to meet Rae at the bar Vic?"

I look up at Tony who up until this point like Jaime was keeping quiet.

"I was going to ask Rae to marry me, but whatever happened after Danielle showed up ruined the good thing I had with Rae because somehow I ended up giving Danielle the ring which she rubbed in Rae's face when she showed up."

"You asked Danielle to marry you, Vic?"

I shake my head in Jaime's direction, "I don't remember even showing her the ring. I literally have no memory after going to the bar last night. Hell Danielle had to tell me that apparently, Mike did a number to my face when I don't even remember you coming in the room little brother."

Mike snorts, "I want to believe you Vic, but you and Danielle seemed pretty comfortable last night when I burst in."

In the corner of my eye, Jess shuffles on the spot, she was nervous about something and wasn't making eye contact with anyone. If any of us knew what Danielle was capable of it was her old best friend.

"Jess, do you know anything about why Danielle showed up out of the blue last night?"

She shakes her head, still not making eye contact instead staring at the floor like it was the most interesting.

"Babe do you know something?"

Jaime walks over to his girlfriend and pulls her into his arms where she breaks down.

Jessica stutters, "I'm so sorry was a joke...I didn't...think she'd go...this happened...before...I became friends with Rae on tour...Danielle...threatened I kept Rae's gone and none of us nowhere..."

Jessica looked visibly shaken by the events unfolding in front of all us. What was the joke? How involved was Jess? Also, what did she mean when she said none of them knew where Rae was? This couldn't be happening, I needed to know the truth and then track down Rae and make her see the truth, that I loved her and only her.    

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now