Chapter Two

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"Rae come over here and say hello to Mike."

Alysha grabs my arm as I walk past her lounging on a deck chair and all but pulls me down next to her. A male laugh comes out of the laptop speakers.

"Don't damage her baby, she's a real person and not some toy."

My inner fangirl was trying to claw her way up to the surface at the sight of the one and only Mike Fuentes lounging casually on his bed on the other side of the screen. Alysha pouts.

"We're best friends, now Mike say hello to Rae and Rae say hello to Mike."

I wave at the screen and smile, "hi Mike I'm Rae, but I think you already know that by now."

"Hi Rae I'm Mike, now what do you want me to say, next babe?"

Alysha sighs loudly and shoves the laptop into my hands, "socialise, I'm going to grab a coffee."

She gets up and leaves, well this was one way to make things awkward. Mike and I stare at each other for what feels like hours, which in reality was only a few seconds before my go to question pops into my head.

"So Mike, do you like peanut butter?"

He bursts into laughter, "best question ever. And yes I do like peanut butter."

I sigh in relief, "good otherwise, we couldn't be friends because I'm hooked on the stuff."

Mike scratches his chin, "if you could be any animal what would it be?"

"A panda because firstly they are cute, and secondly I'm lazy as fuck and like to eat one type of food."

Surprisingly the conversation flowed naturally; Mike was easy to get on with. When Alysha returned ten minutes later with coffee I felt like Mike was my new big brother of sorts, since I didn't have any siblings.

"It was nice meeting you Mike but I really need to get home to send off these photos to my boss. Bye Alysha, bye Mike."

I hug Alysha who hugs me back while Mike pouts like a small child.

"You're single right Rae?"

Alysha's question came out of the blue and took me by surprise because it wasn't the goodbye I was expecting when I hugged her a few seconds earlier.

"Yes I am single Alysha and you're taken, unless Mike's into some weird shit."

"Mike we need to set her up with Vic. Then the four of us can double date."

I pull away from Alysha and dare a glance at the screen where Mike was grinning, what was he up to?

"I'm sure I'll see you again Rae, goodbye."

Now I was a little scared and confused at what the cute couple were going to do. I knew who Vic was, and I also knew he'd just broken up with his long-term girlfriend Danielle. I wasn't ready for a relationship either in my current situation.


After making myself some noodles and writing a note to myself on the fridge to go shopping and buy real food, I get into my lounge clothes; lay on the sofa with my laptop on my stomach and sort through the photos. Alysha had messaged me earlier in the evening saying she'd given Mike my number, and now Mike had been messaging me non-stop about talking to his older brother Vic over Skype.

The only way to get the tall Mexican to shut up was to agree to this stupid Skype call. Now I was waiting for Vic to ring me, hoping he'd been pestered into this as well. Mike and Alysha saw themselves as matchmakers; I saw them as kind of annoying. However when I told Amy about Skyping with Mike she got all jealous because she was a bigger Pierce The Veil fan than me.

The familiar Skype ringtone rings from my speakers and a little message saying 'Vic Fuentes calling' appears in the middle of the screen. I guess I just needed to get this over and done with so I press to accept the call. Maybe Vic would be bored of me and hang up straight away.


"Mike will you get out of my room, I'm going to call her."

Mike shakes his head from the doorway of my bedroom.

"Not until I see you press call and she answers Vic. It's been three months since the breakup and you need to get back out there. Rae seems like a nice girl, even if you end up making a new friend it's better than nothing."

Sighing, I throw my hands in the air in defeat and press call on Skype. From what Mike had told me this Rae girl was against this as much as I was so at least we'd have one thing in common. I send a last minute prayer to whoever was listening that Rae wouldn't answer, but god was against me as she answered my call.

I go to hang up and flip my younger brother off but damn this Rae girl was hot. The computer screen wasn't doing her any justice, but I couldn't let my brother see that I was happy because he'd be smug for weeks so I keep my face neutral.

"Hi, you must be Vic. Is this as awkward for you as it is for me?"

Even her voice was sweet, I could get addicted to her pretty quickly.

"Yes I'm Vic, and it's even more awkward for me because Mike is stood in my doorway watching me like a creep."

Rae laughs while Mike shoots me the finger before walking out of my bedroom and slams the door behind him like a child.

"I guess that was him slamming the door Vic. So what do you want to talk about? I mean we're going to get grilled by Mike and Alysha no matter what happens."

I smile and lie back on my bed resting the laptop on my chest, I could get to know her better.

"Twenty questions because you can't beat a good cliché."

Rae nods, "agreed. Now tell me Vic do you like peanut butter?"    

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now