Chapter Six

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Waking up I have one of those moments where you wake up in an unfamiliar place and panic, but then I roll over and come face to face with an empty bed wondering where Rae was. She must have already gotten up and was letting me recover from jetlag. On the bedside table my phones goes off, and the caller ID was Mike so I picked up.

"Hello, little brother."

"So how's Hawaii? How did Rae react when she saw you?"

Of course, Mike was straight to the grilling portion of the phone call. I guess he was curious since he'd bought me the ticket. Sitting up in bed I lean my back against the headboard and bring the phone to my ear again.

"I've been here a day Mike. Rae was very surprised, she dropped her post. I actually got to meet her mum yesterday."

"I was telling mama and papa about your trip and they really want to meet your new girlfriend."

I nod, of course, mama and papa would want to meet Rae. But I was wary of introducing her to my parents because Rae's mum was on her death bed and her dad had walked out on her. I didn't want to rub my happy family in her face right now.

"Rae doesn't have the best family life, Mike, I wouldn't want to look like I was bragging."

Mike sighs, "I guess mama and papa can be a little full on. Just focus on spending time with Rae and enjoying your trip..."

Mike's talking gets cut off by a loud scream echoing down the hallway and through the open bedroom door.

"What was that Vic? Is Rae okay?"

I jump out of the bed and run out of the room in case Rae had hurt herself. I find Rae on the kitchen floor clutching a phone, tears streaming down her cheeks and she was struggling to breathe.

"Rae, are you okay?"

She locks eyes with me and shakes her head, her bottom lip trembling. My heart sinks in my chest knowing what news Rae had probably gotten from the hospital.

"Err Mike I need to go, something important has come up."

"Give Rae mine and Alysha's love."

Mike hangs up and I put my phone away before rushing to Rae's side. She hands me the phone with shaking hands.

"Err hi, this is Vic."

"Jane Cutter passed away an hour ago, I'm sorry for your loss. You should start making arrangements to empty her room. I'm so sorry again."

The doctor sounded sincere on the other end.

"I understand doctor. Thank you for calling. See you later."

I hang up and drop to my knees pulling a distraught Rae into my arms. I couldn't possibly understand what she was going through right now or how she was feeling.

"I'm not going to leave you, Rae. I'm so sorry about your mum, I only met her once but she was an amazing woman who shaped you into the strong woman you are today."

She sniffles, "I have to go to the hospital, Vic."

I shake my head, cradling her head to my chest as she continues to sob.

"I'm going to put you back in bed Rae and you'll get some sleep. And I'll go to the hospital and get your mums things."

"Thank you, Vic."

I pick her up in my arms bridal style and carry her back to the bedroom, putting her back in bed and pull the sheets over her trembling body.

"Get some rest Rae. I'll be back soon."


The nurse from yesterday, Sam ushers me into Jane's room. It felt kind of creepy when only yesterday there was a person in the bed putting on a brave face for her daughter. Nothing had been moved including the bucket list board of polaroid pictures. Seeing the picture of the three of us only taken yesterday had me close to tears, no one should have to lose a loved one.

"Vic, I have a couple of things Jane wanted me to give you and Rae."

The doctor walks into the room holding a journal and two letters. He hands them to me and I notice my name scribbled on one of the letters.

"The journals for Rae, her mum kept it during the last six months of her illness. There's also a letter for both of you as well. She was a lovely woman and I know myself and the all the staff will miss her."

I nod, putting the journal and Rae's letter in the bag I'd brought. The doctor leaves me alone, so I sit on the edge of the bed and open the letter addressed to me.


I know we only met yesterday, but I feel like I've known you for ages. I see you like a son and know you'll stay with Rae and help guide her in the right direction because her head will be all over the place right now.

I know Rae's been struggling to pay the hospital bills and I don't want her to stress and struggle now I'm gone. So to help pay the bills and funeral costs I've sold the family house which holds good memories and bad.

I want you to treat my little girl like a princess. She can be stubborn but loves cuddles so please be patient with her in her times of need. Rae doesn't like to show her emotions, she says it's a sign of weakness but I'd like you to show her that it's okay to cry and show emotion.

Show her the world Vic, start a new life together. I'll be watching over the two of you from above. Good luck with your continued music success.

Jane Cutter xxx

If I wasn't crying before then I was crying now. The letter was just so touching. Now I wanted to treat Rae right, not just because it was her mother's last wish but because she deserved some happiness and love.

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now