Chapter Ten

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"How hard can it be to teach your younger brother to cook Vic?"

Vic chuckles, "good luck Rae I have faith in you."

I lean over the sofa and peck Vic on the lips, I was up for a challenge. There wasn't anyone I couldn't teach how to cook.


"Why are you telling me this now Alysha? Rae's coming around any minute now."

Alysha sighs and bows her head, "because I feel like a bitch and Rae's been nothing but nice and lied to Vic about getting along with the girlfriends. Plus the truth was bound to come out sooner or later."

Like Vic, Tony, and Jaime I assumed our girlfriends were making Rae feel welcome after packing up her life in Hawaii to move here to be with Vic. However that was far from the truth, stuff went down on their shopping trip which had me kind of mad at my girlfriend who had been such a good friend to Rae when her mum died. But I couldn't stay mad at Alysha because she had the balls to come forward and confess.

"You need to find a way to make it up to Rae, that girl is too nice for her own good. Why can't Jess see that Vic is happier with Rae then when he was with Danielle?"

"I will find a way, in fact, I'm having lunch with Erin to discuss. Have fun learning to cook, I expect a three-course meal tonight."

Alysha stands on her tiptoes and pecks my lips before picking up her bag and leaving. Girls were confusing sometimes, they either showed all their emotions or kept them bottled up inside. Vic needed to know what was going on with his girlfriend and the rest of our girlfriends.

Mike (To Vic): Little brother Alysha just told me something about the shopping trip her, Rae, Erin and Jess went on

Vic: Rae just left...Rae had a good time hanging out with the girls and making friends

Vic could be slightly overprotective when it came to Rae if he had his way she'd be wrapped in bubble wrap twenty-four seven.

Mike: Alysha just told me that Jess invited Danielle and they ended up leaving Rae out to the point Rae went off and did her own thing while they shopped. But Alysha and Erin feel really bad

Vic: Why would she lie to me?

Mike: She knew how much you wanted her to get to know the girls, Rae loves you and thought to lie would make you happy. Don't be mad at her, be mad at the girls

Vic: What am I going to do Mike?

Mike: Alysha went to meet up with Erin and they said their planning something to say sorry to Rae and make her officially part of the Pierce The Veil family

Vic: I'll talk to Rae later, have a nice cooking lesson...Don't burn the place down

I scoff, I wasn't going to burn the place down. Putting my phone on the side someone knocks on the front door. Rae stands on the other side holding two shopping bags and smiling like an idiot.

"Either invite me in or help me with the bags Mike, geesh what kind of gentleman are you?"

I take the shopping bags and motion for her to come inside. Rae walks past me rubbing her hands together.

"We're going to make a lovely three-course meal because Alysha wants something home cooked and this will show her how romantic you can be Mike."

Rae was oblivious to the fact I knew the truth, she was still being nice about Alysha despite what went down.

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now