Chapter Sixteen

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My landlord was nice enough to give me my place back since I'd sold my mum's house after her death. All my belongings were in San Diego in the house I use to share with Vic, I'd literally booked the first flight out after finding Vic in bed with Danielle and never once looked back.

You don't realise just how much you miss home until you come back, and Hawaii welcomed me back with open arms. I was safe here, this was my escape or it use to be. Hawaii would always be linked with my mum's death, but now I was close to her again.

I hadn't spoken to anyone; I wasn't in the mood to explain why I was back. Plus I spent almost every day this week at the cemetery making sure mums grave was tamed so that her memory would live on.

Today was no different, except today I bought new flowers to replace the dead ones. The weather in Hawaii meant the flowers died quicker.

"Hi mum, it's me again."

Placing the flowers on the grave I sit cross-legged on the grass and stare at the grey stone slab. I didn't talk when I was here, this was my quiet place of reflection.


I should have known this is where I'd find her, sitting by her mums grave. I knew she'd come back to Hawaii, after all, she grew up here. I'd convinced the others to stay at the hotel after they insisted flying down with me in case I messed up again.

Danielle had drugged me in the bar, Jessica came clean and I felt bad for her because she suggested it as a joke but Danielle made it a reality and threatened her into keeping silent. I forgave Jessica even if she kept telling us she didn't deserve our apologies.

"Hi mum, it's me again."

Rae places the flower bouquet at the foot of the grave before sitting down in silence. I stay back in the shadows by a tree just in case she saw me and freaked out.

The guys wanted an update once I found Rae so I open the group chat and type.


Vic: I found her guys, she's at her mums grave

Alysha: How does she look?

Vic: Defeated...

Mike: Man up and talk to her brother

Tony: Maybe don't confront her at her mums grave, Vic...

Erin: I agree with Tony, maybe go to her place instead and surprise her!

Mike: Alysha back me up please x

Alysha: I agree with Erin and Tony, Vic surprise her at her place instead of in a cemetery x

Jessica: Tell her how sorry I am Vic...

Vic: She'll know how sorry you are Jess once she knows the truth, besides we all know Rae can't hold a grudge for a long time. She'll brush it under the rug and move on

Jaime: I'm hungry, can we get food, guys? Let Vic get back to being a creep in a cemetery?

Alysha: Typical Jaime, but now you mention food I'm kind of hungry!

Vic: Go eat guys and I'll keep you updated...


I pocket my phone and go back to watching Rae.

~1 Hour Later~

Rae says goodbye to her mum and walks away from the grave. I should probably follow her, but I needed to get something off my chest first. Jane trusted me with her daughter's safety and well being before she died, and I'd failed her on an unimaginable level.

"Hi Jane, it's Vic. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this, do I just talk to the stone?"

There was no wind, but I swear the wind brushes past me making the grass around the grave move. Maybe I was imagining things. Yeah, that was it. I pull out the letter Jane had left for me and take a deep breath.

"You wanted me to treat your little girl like a princess Jane, and I did until I screwed up. Danielle drugged me, Jessica came clean after Danielle threatened her. I was going to propose to your daughter that night Jane, Rae was the light in my darkness and I know I never want to spend another day without her by my side."

I feel tears form behind my eyes and the text on the paper goes slightly blurry. But I press on and say my piece.

"In your letter, you told me Rae was stubborn and didn't like to show emotion, but when she got the phone call that you'd died she cried and I gave her cuddles just like you told me to do. You wanted me to show her that it's okay to show emotion, but I fear Rae's the same as me. Preferring to run away from our problems instead of facing them head on."

I fold the letter back up and put it in my pocket.

"I'm so sorry Jane for failing your daughter, I feel like I've let you down since you wanted nothing more than to see your daughter smile and be happy. I broke her again, I fixed her just like she fixed me but then we both came undone. Danielle said the morning after that she only did it because if she couldn't be happy then neither could Rae and I. I know Rae's probably never going to forgive me, Jane, but I came here to tell her the truth and maybe just maybe win her back because we still have so many memories to make."

"Is all that true Vic?"

I jump upon hearing Rae's slightly broken and quiet voice behind me. How long had she been stood there? Turning away from Jane's grave the wind that came out of the blue vanishes leaving the air still, maybe just maybe it was Jane watching over the two of us like she promised in the letter.

"Err, yeah it's all true Rae. I'd never go back to Danielle after what she did to me. You're the only girl I want in my life."

Rae scuffs her shoes, "it hurt me so much Vic, and you just brushed me off when I confronted you."

I sigh, "it was the drugs, I was out of it Rae. You know me better than anyone, do I look like someone who would cheat unless something was seriously wrong?"

Rae lifts her head up, and my heart breaks seeing tears slide down her cheeks.

"I was stupid to run away, wasn't I? God everyone must hate me."

"No one hates you Rae, the opposite actually. They came with me to Hawaii, everyone loves you but not as much as I do. Now you're too beautiful to cry."

I close the space between us and pull her into my arms, and she rests her head on my shoulder clenching her hands in my shirt.

"I never use to cry Vic, but now I think I've broken myself and I can't stop the tears."

I chuckle, "you're not broken Rae, you're human."

I kiss the top of her head and continue to hold her as she lets all the tears out.

"I love you, Vic, please take me back."

"I love you Rae, and you're kind of stuck with me."

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now