Chapter Eight

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"I can't believe I'm actually leaving Hawaii Vic, this doesn't seem real."

"I get to live with my girlfriend in sunny San Diego."

Vic flops onto the bed while I zip my final suitcase. He'd tried to help me pack, but his method was just throwing everything in without folding and then he'd complain when the suitcase wouldn't shut. So I'd exiled him from the bedroom but now he was back.

"What time is the flight again Vic?"

"We need to leave in the next ten minutes because the taxi is downstairs."

I nod and stand up, I was surprised how little time it took me to pack up my life. Vic had shipped some of my things yesterday, so I only had one suitcase, a carryon bag, and my camera bag to take on the plane.

"I think I'm done, Vic. Goodbye, Hawaii."

He gets up off the bed and pulls me into a bear hug as I start to get a little teary eyed.

"You'll be back Rae, Hawaii will always be your first home."

He was right; I would be back here one day. Now I get to start a new adventure, but firstly I had to get on a plane for the very first time.

~San Diego~

Let's just say I'm not a big fan of planes, but Vic assured me that after a few more flights it would become second nature to me. The airport was heaving so I keep close to Vic not wanting to get lost in the swarm of never-ending people. When we get to the luggage belt Vic's bag comes out first but we have to wait for mine, so I tell him to message Mike to see if he was here to pick us up.

My suitcase was one of the very last ones to come out, but at least it made it onto the plane. Scanning the space my eyes lock with Vic who was standing with some fans chatting and taking pictures. He beckons me over and as I near I feel the group of girls glare at me.

"Who's this Vic?"

Unaware or oblivious to the glares I was receiving Vic puts an arm around my shoulder and smiles at the girls.

"This is my beautiful girlfriend Rae."

The tall girl who'd asked the question smirks at her friends before stepping forwards.

"You really downgraded from Danielle, got yourself a charity case Vic. The fans will never accept you, Rae."

I was visibly stunned this teenager had the nerve to insult me like that when I was older than her. Yes, Vic and Danielle had been together a long time but she cheated on him and yet the fans still loved her. I couldn't let these little girls know that their words hurt me.

"Excuse me Bella but I won't have you talk down about my girlfriend. I love Rae, and unlike Danielle, she will never cheat on me. If you can't accept Rae then fine, but she has other people in the band who love her. Now goodbye girls."

I wasn't use to people defending me, but it felt nice watching Vic but a rude fan in her place. The girl, Bella looked like she'd just sucked on a lemon. Vic takes my hand; we grab our bags and make our way out of the airport. Once out of earshot from the girls I clear my throat.

"Thanks, Vic, but I don't want fans to turn on you because they don't like me."

Vic shakes his head, "if they are true fans they'll happily support us without spreading any negativity or lies. Those are the fans me and the band want Rae. For every fan who doesn't like you, there will be ten who like you. Trust me babe."

I did trust Vic, I trusted him to pieces. Fans were something I was going to have to get used to if I wanted to date someone in a band.

"I love you, Vic."

He smiles, "I love you more Rae. Now my brother and Jaime are outside. Mike wanted Jaime to stay at the apartment with Tony and the girls, but Jaime really wants to meet you."

I was kind of excited to meet the rest of the band, Vic had told me a lot about them and how nice they were. Alysha also assured me that Erin and Jessica would fall in love with me. It would be nice to have friends again, now I didn't have a reason to ignore them. Outside the airport, I'm nearly tackled to the ground by a big guy, who I recognise from the pictures as being Jaime.

"Preciado no damaging my girlfriend."

Vic scolds Jaime who releases me and bows his head. Bless him; he was just excited to meet me.

"No damage was done. Now hug me again Jaime, I'm Rae."

His face lights up, "you're going to love my hugs more than Vic's, nice to finally meet you in the flesh."

He pulls me into a bear hug and I hug him back, he was a lot taller than me.

"Oh my god Mike look how tiny she is. She's smaller than Vic, she's fun size."

I laugh at Jaime's mocking of my height. I guess I was kind of small, especially next to Mike who towered over me. Jaime releases me allowing Mike to hug me.

"Welcome to San Diego Rae. Prepare to love and know crazy people."

"Nothing wrong with a little crazy Mike."

Mike ruffles my hair, pulls back, and motions towards his car where Vic was putting our bags in the back. Vic holds the door open for me. he climbs in after me and wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me against him, and I lean on his shoulder as Mike drives away from the airport.

~Vic's Apartment~

We get to Vic's, and well now mine as well which sounded odd to say. And when Vic opens the front door someone turns the lights on and four people pop out shouting surprise. There was a banner on the wall which said 'Welcome to your new home Rae'.

"I'm happy I get to see you more often Rae, welcome to our little family."

Alysha pulls me away from Vic's side and starts to drag me towards two girls and a tall guy wearing glasses. Who I knew from the pictures, but felt obliged to let Alysha introduce us in person.

"This cute couple is Tony and Erin; you'll have to meet their dog Doug one day. And you've already met Jaime, but this lovely lady is his girlfriend Jessica."

"We'll have to have a girl's day or something."

Erin hugs me and I agree. Tony waves shyly in my direction, while Jessica looks unamused by my presence. Vic dashes to my side and I lean against him whispering.

"I don't think Jessica likes me, Vic."

"She was best friends with Danielle, but once she gets to know you she'll warm up to you."

I hoped Vic was right. I could cope with fans hating me, but to have a girlfriend turn against me for no real reason would be devastating. I was one of those people who liked everyone to like them, I didn't like having enemies.

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now