Chapter Five

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"I can't believe I'm actually in your arms Vic. This doesn't feel real."

I jump slightly and rub my arm while Vic laughs next to me after having pinched me in the arm.

"See, you're not dreaming. I am very much real Rae."

"Thanks, Vic but I bruise like a peach."

I pout and Vic mirrors my expression.

"Cheer up princess, your knight in shining armour has arrived."

Suddenly an idea pops into my head, which I scold myself for not thinking of earlier now Vic was here in Hawaii.

"You can finally meet my mum Vic."

"How's she doing?"

Vic's question made my mood turn sombre, as I had heard from my mum's doctor only yesterday and the news wasn't good.

"Err, her health is deteriorating each day Vic. The doctor says her days are numbered but that something is keeping her here."

"I'm so sorry baby. I'll be by your mums and your side for as long as you need."

Vic was sweet. Wiping a few stray tears away I fall back into his open arms, and he holds me. Not another word is spoken between us as Vic rubs my back to try and soothe me.


Vic drove my car to the hospital knowing I wasn't in the right frame of mind to be behind a wheel. The regular nurses who worked were on shift when we came through the front door holding hands, and one of the elderly nurses called Sam smiles warmly in our direction.

"I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say this is the infamous boyfriend Vic."

I nod, "see he's real and I didn't make him up."

Sam chuckles before pointing towards the double doors behind the nurse's desk which led to the patient rooms, "I'm sure your mum will be thrilled to finally meet the guy who makes her daughter smile."

"Thanks, Sam."

I pull Vic towards the door, and once through the door, Vic starts to look nervous. Stopping in the hallway I stand in front of him making him look me in the eyes.

"What's wrong Vic?"

He shuffles on the spot, "what if your mum doesn't like me as much as the image she's created in her head, Rae? I want her to like me because she's important to you."

"Don't be silly Vic, my mum will like you trust me. I've told her nothing but good things."

I stand on my tiptoes and peck his cheek. He lets out the breath he'd been holding.

"You're right, I guess I'm just nervous about your mum meeting your boyfriend for the first time. Let's go in."

I take his hand again and push open my mum's door. She looks up from where she was sat up in bed writing in the journal I'd gotten her, her eyes widen.

"Rae, you didn't have to come today. Now who's the gentleman?"

I let go of Vic's hand and hug my mum leaving Vic stood awkwardly in the open door.

"Mum, this is Vic. His brother and bandmates bought him a surprise plane ticket and he got here a couple of hours ago. I wanted you to meet him."

Your mum's eyes lock on Vic who takes a cautious step forward into the room.

"Hi Mrs Cutter, it's nice to finally meet you. Rae's told me so much about you."

Your mum snorts, "please call me Jane we're practically family now Vic. Now come over here so I can hug you because I can see some muscles on your arms boy."

Vic seems taken aback by mums openness, but I used to it. As to not disappoint her he walks up to the bed and hugs her. This was the moment I'd been waiting months for.

"I'm going to get a drink, would you like anything Vic?"

"Can I have a bottle of water please?"

I nod and leave the room, wanting mum and Vic to get to know each other better. They wouldn't talk If I'd stayed in the room.


The second Rae leaves the room her mum points to the chair by the bed and I sit down. I wasn't expecting her mum to be so warm and opening, but it helped to take the edge off my nerves.

"Now Rae's out of the room I can ask you something Vic. Do you love my daughter?"

It was a question I expected her to ask me and I understood where she was coming from because she was Rae's only family. I sit up straight in the chair.

"I love your daughter very much, Jane. I was in a dark place and then she lit up my world and made everything better. I want to do the same for her."

Jane smiles, "that's all I needed to hear Vic. You seem like a nice gentleman who'll look after my little girl when I'm gone. I guess I've been holding on so I could finally meet you. So I can tell you that I entrust my daughter's safety and wellbeing in your hands, Vic."

Her words brought tears to my eyes, this was an amazing woman in front of me, who wanted to know her daughter would be looked after and treated right before passing away.

"I'll do everything in my power Jane to make sure Rae never forgets you, and I promise to keep making her smile every day."

Jane sniffles, "you're a musician Vic, so show my little girl the world. Show her there is a life outside Hawaii. Give her an amazing life Vic. Now come and hug me again before I start crying."

I get up and hug her, tears falling down both our cheeks. This was a touching moment, and now I was even more determined to give Rae a new life.

"You two seem close. What were you talking about?"

Rae's voice pulls Jane and I out of each other's embrace. I turn to face my grinning girlfriend who was holding two bottles of water in her hands. Jane shoots me a 'make something up' look, obviously not wanting her daughter to know about our conversation. Glancing around the room, my eyes land on the bucket list board at the bottom of the bed.

"Your mum was telling me about her bucket list and what the two of you had crossed off."

Rae squeals, "oh my god Vic you're a genius. I'm going to grab a doctor."

Rae drops the water bottles on the chair and runs out of the room. I turn to face her mum who shrugs her shoulders, equally confused by her daughter's actions. Rae returns not with a doctor, but with the nurse from the front desk who's name I think was Sam.

"One of mums bucket list items was to meet you, Vic, now she's met you we can cross it off and take a photo to remind us of this day forever."

Rae hands a polaroid camera to the nurse before joining me and Jane by the bed. The nurse takes a few pictures. She hands me one of the three of us together, and I make sure to put it in my wallet to cherish and keep safe.

"Thank you, Sam. Look, mum, another item off the list."

Rae pins one of the polaroids on the board with today's date scrawled across the bottom n Sharpie. She seemed in her element right now, and the happiest since I'd arrived.

"We sure did fill up the board Rae, now come give your mum a good and a kiss goodbye. You two kids don't need to be hanging around a hospital all day, go and enjoy your time together and show Vic the island."

Rae hugs her mum, who leans over and sloppily kisses her cheek.

"I love you, mum."

"I love you more little girl. Now don't think you're getting away Vic, come give me another hug because damn boy I like your muscles."

"It was lovely to finally meet you, Jane."

I hug her and she squeezes back. Rae then takes my hand and pulls me towards the door, but not before blowing her mum some kisses. I had a gut feeling my trip here was going to be emotional.

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now