Chapter Four

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"It feels strange that we know each other so well Vic, yet we've never met in person. Our only contact is through computer and phone screens."

Rae was beautiful, and hearing the hurt in her voice made my heart break. I was madly in love with this girl who I couldn't have because she lived in Hawaii and I lived in San Diego and toured a lot of the year with my band.

"One day we'll meet Rae and it will be like in those dumb romance movies, I expect you to squeal and then we run into each other's arms in slow motion."

She giggles, "always with the cheesy romance Victor. I hope we can meet one day, though, I want to see if you're as good as a kisser and hugger in person as your whole band keeps telling me."

"I love those idiots, but I love you more. It must be getting late on your end, you need to sleep."

Rae pouts, "fine, I'll sleep Vic. I love you more, you're my short Mexican."

I gasp, "Excuse me love but I'm slightly taller than you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Vic and sweet dreams."

Rae pretends to kiss the screen before logging off Skype. I close my laptop and put it aside resting my face in my hands, since when had my life gotten this complicated? I'd met Rae by mistake through Mike's girlfriend Alysha when she was in Hawaii doing some modelling where Rae was the photographer. Alysha had dragged Rae into a Skype call between her and Mike, who after grilling her concluded that she and I would be perfect for each other.

But Rae's mum was very sick and she couldn't leave Hawaii, as she was her mums only family. Her father had left years ago and she didn't want to leave her mum's side which I understood. But that meant we had to do the long distance thing, which was okay when I was touring but now I was home in San Diego for three months I wanted to spend real time with her.

"You really are love struck Vic. What's stopping you from getting on a plane to Hawaii to finally meet Rae?"

Mike's voice from the doorway makes me jump. My younger brother made a very good point, what was stopping me? There was nothing keeping me in San Diego.

"I didn't think of that Mike."

Mike chuckles and throws me an envelope, "this is a gift from me and the guys, go and see your girl Vic everyone deserves to be with the one they love."

I pull a plane ticket out of the envelope and a slip of paper with Rae's home address written on it. The ticket was for a flight in the morning, I was gobsmacked the guys had given me such a thoughtful gift.

"Shit, thanks, Mike. Tell Jaime and Tony they're the best."

"Sure, but we all know I'm your favourite Vic. I mean we're brothers after all."

Mike saunters out of my bedroom flipping his long imaginary hair over his shoulder. I was too excited to sleep, I needed to pack and plan how I was going to surprise Rae. I was finally going to meet the girl of my dreams.

~Next Day~


Have you ever had a gut feeling that something good was going to happen to you today? From the second I woke up, I felt this warm feeling inside that told me to expect something different today. Or the warm feeling could have come from seeing the cute message Vic had sent me in the early hours of the morning.

Today I had no plans, today was all about me. I had no work which was a first, almost like fate had something else planned for me. Walking across the lobby of the apartment complex, I check your mail as usual and see nothing but mounting hospital bills. But then I hear knocking coming from somewhere.

Closing the post box I turn to face the glass front door and drop the post to the floor along with my bag, my eyes widening in shock at who was on the other side. I had to be dreaming, there was no way in hell Vic Fuentes was stood outside my apartment complex here in Hawaii.

"This would be more romantic if you opened the door Rae, or at least gave me the code."

Vic laughs and I feel my cheeks blush.

"Err the code is 1780."

Vic types in the code and opens the door. As much as I hated cheesy romance clichés, I couldn't break the promise I made to Vic. I squeal and run towards him in slow motion, Vic mirrors the slow motion run and catches me around the waist as I jump almost tackling him to the floor. Wrapping my legs securely around his waist I realise that this wasn't a dream, and Vic was really here in front of me.

"Hi, Rae."

"Hi back at you Vic."

Vic chuckles and I can't stop myself attaching my lips to his not caring if any neighbours walked in on us. He kisses me back with equal passion, and I knew I never wanted to kiss another guys lips ever again.

"So am I a good hugger and kisser Rae?"

I laugh and bury my face into the crook of his neck nodding my head. Vic coaxes me out of hiding and strokes my cheek waiting for a verbal answer.

"Yes, you're a good hugger, though I think I'll need more hugs and cuddles to determine whether it's a one-time thing. And well, you give great kisses and I want to keep kissing you, Vic."

"Ah, you're so cute in person. I thought you were cute through the screen, but no you have yourself beat in person. Oh yeah, surprise."

Vic calling me cute made my cheeks blush even more than I thought humanly possible.

"What are you doing here Vic? I'm happy you're here, but when did you plan this?"

"My brother and bandmates said I finally needed to meet the girl of my dreams now we have a few months off from touring. So they bought me a ticket for this morning and now here I am in sunny Hawaii."

It was a nice gesture and I'd have to thank Mike, Jaime and Tony when I could. If I hadn't worked with Alysha on the photoshoot then I'd never be holding my Mexican lover in my arms.

Hold On Till May (Vic Fuentes) (Pierce The Veil) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now