October 12, 2000

346 3 1

I opened my eyes to find myself in a strange room, I look around the room to see where I was and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in a lab room, and I was locked in.

"Son of a bitch." I groaned, remembering that I was A hybrid. And strangely I didn't know what kind of hybrid I was.

"Double son of bitch." I said a little louder. Then I heard some guards come in and they were talking about a new guy coming in next to me. They came over to me and opened the door, 

" Weird. They never come in here."  I thought as they walked up to me I backed away into a corner, they stopped in there tracks now realizing that they were scaring me. One of them ran at me and grabbed my by the arm and launched me out of the corner, I laid there on my side, then I felt the something in my chest area. It felt weird and when I looked up, both of the guards ran from the cell. 

" What were they afraid of???"  I thought then looking in the mirror and then I knew why, my eyes were and reddish yellowish color and I was terrified of myself.

" What i'm I??" I whispered. 

Just then I heard someone yelling orders and people running and screaming, what was weird was there was growling too

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Just then I heard someone yelling orders and people running and screaming, what was weird was there was growling too. As if there was a dog or wolf.

"HOLD HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!! HOLD HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted one of the guards. Then there was the rattling of metal and zapping of tasers, it terrified me. Just then something smelled good, like fresh wood and pine nettles. I got up and walk to the door to get a better smell and view of what it was. Just then everything was quiet, a little too quiet.

Sorry if it was short.

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