Betrayed. And A New Pack???

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I was on my computer today, it was getting boring. So then my brother wanted to go outside today, but I wanted to see Colton. But something seemed off, because what if I meet someone else? I wonder if he would be better than Colton? Well, let's find out.

Jackaroos pov

Something felt off, as if something bad was going to happen today. Rose has been bothering my to mate with her so we can have wolf pups. 

"SCRRRRREEEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!"  I heard a scream, and it was close. I ran to it and my pack was on my tail, and some were asking what happened? Why was there a scream? Jackaroo wait! The last one was Rose. I stopped and saw a Black wolf with red front paws and a red tipped tail, she was going to fall down into a canyon. I could tell that it was a female because of how slim her body was. I ran up to the top of the rock and when I got there she saw me.

"Don't worry. I got you." I said with some hope I right. She looked at me and I noticed that she had a wound, like someone clawed her and then she fell.

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I turned into my wolf form, I was looking over the ledge thinking when I first meet him.  Then out of nowhere he clawed my side making me topple over onto my other side. 

"COLTON!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yelled. He just laugh, and the grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and throw me over the side. 

"SCRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" I screamed. (Since im not a full wolf.)  I was hanging over the edge, he was pushing my paws off the ledge. He stopped because I heard others coming, he looked at me and ran. Then two minutes later I was about to give up, but the something was in front of me, I looked up and it was a black wolf with bright blue eyes. 

"Don't worry. I got you." He said. Then he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. AND LIFTED ME UP OVER THE LEDGE! Looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. And then the pack howled like crazy, and I knew what they were saying.
















I was their new luna!

Sorry if it was short

Short Story (Wolf x Human Hybrid)Where stories live. Discover now