's Over

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Hey sorry wattpad was being stupid, I wanted a song to go with some of the parts because it totally goes with it so look it up and go to the last 2 minutes and 45 seconds and play it when I say ok thx!

Far away by Nickelback

Marie's POV

Another day of Luna fighting has begun again and Jack was up at the crack of dawn, he was worried bout losing me. I don't blame him for worrying. Because what happened to Alpha Tyler was scary, what if that happened to Jack?

"You alright?" Angel asked.

"No, do you remember what happened to Alpha Tyler?" I asked. She looked at me and I could tell that she remembered.  Tears started to weld up in my eyes, just thinking bout it made me wanna cry.

"What if that happens to Jack?" I said near tears. Angel laid next to me and buried her head in my shoulder.

"Alpha Jackaroo will be alright, he is strong and brave. Btw he loves you too much to lose." Angel mumbled in my shoulder. I laughed.

"Luna Marie, it time." One the wolf guards said walking towards me. I nodded and they put the collar back around my neck. They walked me toward the area where I was last time, I signed.

"Welcome again Alphas!!!"The voice boomed. Again it always make me jump a little bit, Jack was laying down by the pack. I knew what he was thinking, wanted , and felt.

"First up is Alpha Kaden and Alpha Colton!" The speaker vibrated. Kaden entered the ring along with Colton. They saying something to each other, possibly insults.

Karen's POV 

I entered the ring with Colton beside me. He had the look of "not wanting to lose", like that was going to happen. He was losing no matter what.

"Ready to lose Kaden?"Colton growled. 

"I was bout to ask you the same thing Colton." I growled back. He snarled and snapped at me.

"Ready.......set........fight!"The voice ordered. I lunged at Colton and grabbed him by the shoulder, he growled and cut open my scar on my hind leg. Making me let go and howl  in pain, he took his chance and grabbed my throat and everything went black.

Colton's POV 

I won, and he said I wouldn't. He was wrong dead wrong. (No pun intended) I howled and Kaden's pack was mine and Tyler's pack was Jacks, if I didn't kill him. They dragged Laden's body to the grave were he would be missed by his pack. Jack stepped into the ring, he had that same expression. 

"Your gonna lose." I snarled. He shook his head and snapped his teeth at me.

"We'll see." He simply said and my lunged for me and grabbed my hind leg and throw me against the wall. I growled and swipped at him, he grabbed my arm and broke it. I yelped in pain and backed away. He lunged and grabbed my neck and squeeze my neck tighter and tighter until everything went black and silent.

Jackaroo's POV 

Kaden's dead, just like that. I stepped into the ring.

"Your gonna lose." He snarled at me. I shook my head knowing that's what fuelled Kaden and Colton.

"We'll see." Was all I said. He looked shocked at me response, throwing him off. I lunged at him and grabbed him hind leg and throw him against the wall. He grunted and got up, but fell back down. I grabbed him by the neck and squeezed down until he passed away. I let him drop to the arena floor. 

(Play the music plz)

Marie was happy, he tail was wagging and her ears were perked. And my pack howled and cheered while the rest howl in pain and loss. I decided that Tyler's, Kaden's and Colton's packs would mine, I waved them over and they follow. Happy to have a Luna and Alpha again they howled in happiness. They let Marie off they chains and she sprinted over and hugged me, we put our heads together and howled, everyone was happy that us two were not separated from each other. She was hugging me and little to right but it was my Luna now, not everyone's, mine and she will never abandoned me no matter what happens. She looked at me and then she put her hand on my cheek and kiss my lips, the pack howled like crazy knowing that you can't, won't separate us no matter how hard you try.

"Come on, let's go home."Marie said with happiness. I nodded and the pack followed us home.

I nearly cried writing this.     Seriously.

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