» kim.saeron

174 2 11

❝ i'm still not used to this kind of life. i was lost for a while, but i finally met you. ❞

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❀ affliction level + treatment ;

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affliction level + treatment ;

status ; very mild.

vulnerability to worsen ; 70%

impact on daily life ; minimal.

treatments ; N/A

» regarding the chō no shōjiki { 蝶の正直 } illness, kim saeron has yet to experience the effects of it. due to her status as an angel and therein lack of feelings of true love towards anyone, she has yet to tell a lie to someone she loves. however, as she is now stranded on earth, her susceptibility to experiencing greater symptoms is particularly high. the simplicity of the matter is that humans lie, and the longer kim saeron stays on earth doing as the humans do, the more likely she is to stumble, tell lies and suffer the consequences of her actions. her treatments for the illness are unknown even to her as she is hardly aware it exists within her to begin with. «

n a m e ;

김새론 {kim sae ron}

n i c k n a m e / s ;

chinchilla, angel, sae, daffodil, saeronnie

a g e ;

seventeen {17}

g e n d e r ;

s e x u a l i t y ;


l o v e r ;


a p p e a r a n c e ;

saeron's eyes are bright and round, noted for having a certain spark in them that some dismiss as craziness. she does have a tendency to stare at others with her eyes wide as ever; she never hides the fact she's looking at someone and isn't very self-aware in that retrospect. she has a prominent eye smile that is very genuine and sweet-looking, since she never really learned how to smile modestly like some girls her age. saeron's hair is a dark brown shade and is naturally wavy, it reaching several inches below her shoulders. it tends to become knotted and bushy easily as she finds brushing it to be far too painful and an overall annoyance. her complexion is smooth and pale, although she does have a frightening quantity of scars and permanent bruises on her back from her past life and death. the girl is in possession of a pair of translucent solar light wings that only appear in a life threatening situation. a little bit spastic with her movements, she has zero co-ordination and tends to trip up a lot over thin air. when she does fall over, it's not subtle.

p e r s o n a l i t y ;

the concept of fitting in just doesn't compute with saeron. even if she makes a conscious effort, it never seems to work in her favour - within the first few seconds of meeting someone, she'll forget to be polite or normal and will go on a tangent about a random topic that only makes sense to herself. she's an oddball, always has been. time never seems to change that aspect of her, no matter what she goes through or what people tell her. when feeling threatened, she will bite. she doesn't bite lightly, either. nor does she let go easily once she has her teeth around something. a part of this is because physical contact with humans makes her wary because of how she died. she misses 'home' but is making the most of her time on earth. still, it doesn't stop her incessant talks of how 'they' must be worried and missing her. saeron never does explain where or what her home is, since nobody ever asks. she's the loyal type, and won't leave your side once you've befriended her. unknown to her, she's slowly turning back into a human with every passing day she remains lost.

l i k e s ;

. animals .

. collecting leaves .

. the rain .

d i s l i k e s ;

. being called crazy .

. her bad back .

. certain aspects of human life .

b a c k g r o u n d ;

one night after saeron came home from school, she was out on the streets exploring the neighbourhoods, but saw someone being beaten up. she ran over to help, but the second she intervened, the victim made a break for it and saeron was the new victim. saeron could have run away, but she was too naive and too scared to do anything in the face of the abusers. as a result, she was beaten and soon left to die. saeron still doesn't know if it was the people's goal to kill her, but she likes to believe it wasn't intended. saeron also doesn't blame the victim for running away. though they are responsible for her death, she can't bring herself to hate them. she feels happy, in fact, that they got away relatively unscathed instead of having their life snatched away as well. the heavens saw the good of her final moments and granted her angel-hood. but, she got lost on a trip to earth and doesn't know how to return to her angel brethren.

 but, she got lost on a trip to earth and doesn't know how to return to her angel brethren

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❀ e x t r a ;

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e x t r a ;

moodboard credit ; -wishful

theme ; junggigo ft. minwoo - too good

face claim ; kim sae ron

nationality ; korean

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