» park.minwoo

63 1 19

❝ of all the ugly guys, i'm the best looking. ❞


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affliction level + treatment ;

status ; dormant.

vulnerability to worsen ; 40%

impact on daily life ; minimal.

treatments ; N/A.

» the illness chō no shōjiki { 蝶の正直 } is yet to affect park minwoo. coupled with his young age and the fact he hasn't gotten the chance to fall in love with anyone yet, he's been spared from the results of lying to his love. admittedly, park minwoo wishes to love yet doesn't know he has the sickness; purely oblivious. this is a troublesome combination, as if he ever does fall in love and lies to that person, it will devastate his mind and body far more than normal. but his looks seem to repel people, and whilst he curses his fate, it might secretly be sparing him. like an odd blessing in disguise. «

n a m e ;

박민우 {park min-woo}

n i c k n a m e / s ;

woo-ah, smiley, dimples, invisible boy

a g e ;


g e n d e r ;

s e x u a l i t y ;


l o v e r ;


a p p e a r a n c e ;

to put it bluntly, minwoo looks like quite the dork. from his round, 'harry potter' styled spectacles to his awkward stance and mannerisms, minwoo is, in every sense of the word, a 'loser'. he wears his school uniform plainly, tie done up properly and the only originality in his look being braided bracelets and perhaps a leather-band watch. he's of a noticeable height and towers over most girls his age by approximately a head and a half. one of his most defining features however is his smile. not for any charm, goodness no. for the acute, almost pinprick styled dimples residing closely to either side of his cheeks, just below the corners of his lips. his hair is styled in almost a helmet-like fashion curling to one side over his forehead in thick, dark locks. with such an appearance as his, being praised for any outward beauty is not common for minwoo. he knows this very well and compensates by.. well, he's still figuring out how to compensate for not being as dashing as other guys out there.

p e r s o n a l i t y ;

with his plain and unattractive looks, minwoo hasn't succeeded in charming any girl he's ever had a crush on. at this point having them notice his existence is a 'win', as girls just see right through him like he's transparent, even if he's right in front of them. like he's never there. minwoo isn't that funny, in fact he smiles and laughs mainly at inside jokes he makes up with himself in his head or snorts at memories of a funny television sitcom. on the rare occasions someone actually asks 'what's so funny?', he can't ever explain it in a way that makes sense. and yet even with all of these lacking attributes, minwoo is indescribably kind and thoughtful. in both a romantic and platonic sense, minwoo adores people and being a helping hand just makes him happy. even if the juniors don't let him hang out with them, he still continuously offers support to them such as advice or a shoulder to lean on. as for romance, minwoo gathers inspiration from movies and by asking questions to cheesy radio hosts.

l i k e s ;

. magic tricks .

. bird watching .

. listening to music .

d i s l i k e s ;

. being ignored .

. when he's awkward .

. praline .

b a c k g r o u n d ;

minwoo has never been considered popular, or well liked. if his name was mentioned to a crowd, even to people in his own school year, the typical response would be 'who?' despite his continuous efforts to be recognised, minwoo is just the type to fade into the back of people's minds and memories. he's accepted he'll probably never get everything he wants; a lot of friends, a girlfriend, a leadership position at school. but his determination to help as many students as he can is what keeps him joyful and the bubbly nerd he is. he does have one reprieve; his dog jinju. she is perhaps the only one to ever show appreciation and love to him, and he loves her dearly, spoiling her quite a lot. even from a young age he's tried different ways to get more friends, or to get the girl. but whenever he puts these plans into motion, they have absolutely terrible results that can move him to sudden tears or just a long cringing session.

 but whenever he puts these plans into motion, they have absolutely terrible results that can move him to sudden tears or just a long cringing session

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♢ e x t r a ;

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e x t r a ;

theme ; k. will - day 1

face claim ; park min woo

nationality ; korean

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