» maeng.joon jae

62 1 6

❝ the endless words I saved up. they're buried deep in my heart. ❞


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affliction level + treatment ;

status ; mild.

vulnerability to worsen ; 29%

impact on daily life ; minimal.

treatments ; N/A.

» chō no shōjiki { 蝶の正直 } comes in second as the illness that cripples maeng joon jae the most; his fear of contact drives people away, repulses them. needless to say this doesn't make him the most eligible bachelor out there, so he has nobody to love and consequently nobody to lie to. it's a rather bittersweet situation. he doesn't have to worry about getting sick from chō no shōjiki, but he's also alone. damaged goods is a perfect way to describe the boy. due to this he pays it little attention and it's like the illness doesn't exist. «

n a m e ;

맹 재 준 {maeng jae-joon}

n i c k n a m e / s ;

jae-jae, jaeji

a g e ;

eighteen {18}

g e n d e r ;

s e x u a l i t y ;


l o v e r ;


a p p e a r a n c e ;

his skin is a glowing caramel shade, and across his chest and forearms are prominent scars and marks. some are burns from his apprenticeship, some not. joon jae has an above average stature both height and muscle wise, with a nasty habit of slouching that he's given up on rectifying. he has beautifully tousled, wavy, dark brown hair that he rarely brushes since he either forgets to or simply doesn't find a good enough reason to care. his eyes don't quite match the darkness of his hair, as they're closer to a coffee shade upon closer inspection. some say it is his eyes that give him an innocent look, and one of the only features that give away his age. he suffers from 5 o-clock shadow and therefore shaves daily. jaeji is commonly seen with pale purple circles under his eyes due to significant lack of sleep, this lack of sleep mainly caused by nightmares. his fashion is pretty pathetic, as he can be commonly seen wearing drop crotch sweatpants and a stained tee or jumper.

p e r s o n a l i t y ;

joon jae has a severe fear of being touched. it's a phobia that spawned from his past life, and due to the gory details that he simply can't forget, it created a crippling fear of people touching him in any way, shape or form. if someone were to touch him, his body would start to shut down and signal the need to shower in order to cleanse his skin. whilst in the shower joon jae will scrub his skin raw and it isn't uncommon for him to have breakdowns throughout this process. joon jae doesn't enjoy what a typical eighteen year old would. he hasn't gone clubbing or partying before, and hasn't had any alcohol since drinking is too intimidating of an idea to him. with his paranoia and anxiety, alcohol would do more harm than help. he doesn't get along with younger people as he either finds them too loud or too fake, not anywhere inbetween. he'd be what many consider a 'loner' who doesn't have many social skills. joon jae never initiates conversation with strangers, and probably never will.

l i k e s ;

. woolen socks .

. staying inside .

. reading .

d i s l i k e s ;

. his imperfections .

. bright lights .

. hot weather .

b a c k g r o u n d ;

in his past life before he was murdered, joon jae was a baker apprentice. everyone thought him to be a bright young man, perhaps even a little bit of a bore. he led a life with no enemies because of his placid nature, but also with not many friends either. joon jae has always been okay with being alone since it's what he knows best. in the early hours of the morning when he was starting his work, some crazed man appeared and beat him to death with a crowbar. the results of the attack were painful and deep scars across his chest and torso as well as a few fainter ones on his biceps (self defense wounds). due to the deep gashes, joon jae bled out in a slow and painful process. his corpse was uncovered hours later and given a simple burial. nothing extravagant. the heavens allowed his soul and body to live a second life. memories still intact, joon jae is struggling to cope with what happened to him and is trying to find ways to both accept his past and loosen the strong hold that his disorder has on him.

 memories still intact, joon jae is struggling to cope with what happened to him and is trying to find ways to both accept his past and loosen the strong hold that his disorder has on him

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e x t r a ;

theme ; jung yong hwa - one fine day

face claim ; lee jae-joon

nationality ; korean

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