» takahashi.cho

40 1 15

❝ i just need to be alive, why can't i? ❞

❝ i just need to be alive, why can't i? ❞

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affliction level + treatment ;

status ; experimental.

vulnerability to worsen ; 50%

impact on daily life ; determined by her creator and programmers.

treatments ; system shut-downs.

» takahashi cho's experiences with the chō no shōjiki { 蝶の正直 } have all been due to the decisions of her creator. she had no say in the matter, why would she, when she's just a machine. the illness has been twisted beyond recognition, now used as an attack strategy, where in negotiations, if her creator's opposition tells a lie, her scanning systems will pick it up and from her mouth butterflies will pour. the butterflies are not real, as real versions of the insects failed in surviving inside of her mechanical body. this was used as an advantage. the butterflies are tiny yet also robotic and will expel poisonous gas once out of takahashi cho's mouth. this has resulted in the death of many. «

☽ n a m e ;

高橋 蝶 {takahashi cho}

☽ n i c k n a m e / s ;

serial no. PHU-081-3697-2

☽ a s s i g n e d  a g e ;

twenty-two {22}

a s s i g n e d  g e n d e r ;

s e x u a l i t y ;


☽ l o v e r ;


p r o g r a m m e d  a p p e a r a n c e ;

cho was manufactured with the intent of looking as human-like as possible, the latest engineering being employed for her creation. the result was highly successful, cho looking exactly like a standard twenty-two year old woman. but there are certain features that create whispers of suspicion. this includes a lack of defined pupils as well as her wires occasionally showing due to her synthetic, somewhat translucent skin around her wrists and collarbone. thankfully this is commonly mistaken for 'veins'. her eyes also flash an electric blue upon being rebooted or forcibly shut down. cho has not smiled before, due to her current software not supplying such an expression. in fact, she has zero facial expression control except for her default void and vacant one. whilst she may appear average and even fragile in stature, her strength outdoes any human girl. cho tends to forget this, causing her to accidentally injure many. her hair is made of synthetic fibres and of an ebony shade, along with wider eyes than normal. cho's concept of fashion is non-existent; whatever her creator chooses for her, she will wear without dispute.

p r o g r a m m e d  p e r s o n a l i t y ;

cho has been programmed with the personality any war general would die for. she's obedient, meticulous and literally does not know how to make excuses. in her initial years of 'life', she did not possess a speaking chip, and despite having one now, she seldom uses it. despite all of her dutiful characteristics akin to that of a soldier, cho was created with the ability to develop interests. one of her most prominent ones (though she hides this from her creator) is humans. she likes them. admires them. they are like a mystery to her, like a firewall she just might be able to hack through if she tries hard enough. but humans aren't software. she can't understand them, and that's exactly why she is so drawn to them. her programming was not supposed to allow anomalies like that, but another fault in her system is far greater; her urge to insert an 'emotions' chip. cho herself doesn't know what she would even do after inserting the chip, she just knows she wants to. desperately so.

☽ l i k e s ;

. coloured contact lenses .

. humans .

. writing calligraphy .

. arachnids .

☽ d i s l i k e s ;

. disappointing her creator .

. water in her system .

. mango ice cream .

☽ b a c k g r o u n d ;

cho was created with the sole intention to be an elite hacker. her ability to hack her way into the enemy's databases is extraordinary, as well as her android logic proposing the best counter-attacks. she offers other skills such as data storage (her temple is where microchips can be inserted), creating super-viruses in under thirty seconds to be implemented to the target's files, and can physically attack or defend if need be. she does not know if the man who she calls 'creator' does good or bad things, but she does not care. he treats her with decency and cares for her when she malfunctions, so doing her job and being faithful to him is the least she can do to repay him for giving her a purpose and a home. when she was assembled, her memorising chip was accidentally damaged; so she often forgets orders and wanders around a lot, and will do so until she is provided with a new memorising chip.

 when she was assembled, her memorising chip was accidentally damaged; so she often forgets orders and wanders around a lot, and will do so until she is provided with a new memorising chip

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e x t r a ;

theme ; vixx - error

face claim ; lee ji-eun

nationality ; japanese / korean

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