» watanabe.dai

58 1 5

❝ wanna experience me? then keep it sexual. ❞


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affliction level + treatment ;

status ; moderate.

vulnerability to worsen ; 28%

impact on daily life ; of little disturbance.

treatments ; cigarettes, alcohol, decaf espresso.

» the illness chō no shōjiki { 蝶の正直 } has hindered watanabe dai rare times in his life, and yet he's one of the best-equipped to manage the affliction. the treatments he's unknowingly discovered are a part of his everyday life, so when he was in love before and told lies, all he felt was the pain. the insects have never erupted out of his mouth so he's not really aware that they exist at all. he assumed the pain caused from lying to just be a side-effect from a rough fight or too much alcohol. however, if he was made to sober up and quit smoking, and was coincidentally in love at the same time, then he would suffer like he's supposed to. dumb luck is what has spared him thus far. «

n a m e ;

大渡邉 {watanabe dai}

n i c k n a m e / s ;

bastard, lucky seven, dai 'want-to-be-me'

a g e ;

twenty-two {22}

g e n d e r ;

s e x u a l i t y ;


l o v e r ;


a p p e a r a n c e ;

he has quite the noticeable height and steady build, making him perfect for his night job and day job. some think his physique is unassuming, but he's learnt strength doesn't fully reside in visible muscle. dai has dyed his hair countless colours; pink, blue, orange, red, blonde. it changes too often to keep track of. his ears are pierced many times and the earrings he wears are normally hoops or ostentatious ones with charms such as crosses and droplets. but of course he ensures to wear none of them during matches. dai has many tattoos decorating his body that he's accumulated over the years, some all at once and others spaced out by months, years even. some are symbolic of times in his life, some from drunken and impulsive escapades. there might even be a few tattoos caused by dares scattered across his body. dai has a bad case of resting bitch face, but he thinks it's partially useful in keeping those he doesn't like away as well as those without a spine. dai doesn't have the time for people who are scared by his appearance.

p e r s o n a l i t y ;

whilst it comes as a surprise to some, dai is rather easy-going. he's been described as a 'harmless thrill-seeker' more than once and the sentiment rings true.. most of the time. dai does have a tendency to screw people over and make them look like a fool, especially if they have a high opinion of themselves. this is normally through 'lucky' streaks at texas hold 'em or winning a boxing match that he was the surefire underdog in. whether he intends to humiliate people or not, it ends up happening anyways and gets dai into plenty of trouble. dai doesn't know when to quit and is commonly known as the guy who goes too far. every time. another aspect of him is that he's quite the flirt, but not in an aggressive way. a few chance glances with lingering eye contact and he reels people in; it's rare for him to actively pursue someone. people are surprised to learn it, but he's finicky with his company. unless it's a one-night stand, then all they have to do is consent, be good looking and gone by morning. normally he prefers people who stand up to him, but aren't arrogant in doing so or obnoxious. there's a fine line.

l i k e s ;

. cherry wine .

. to gamble .

. ice baths .

. whiskey .

d i s l i k e s ;

. talk radio .

. cowards .

. law enforcement .

. losing his lighter .

b a c k g r o u n d ;

technically dai grew up as a 'rich boy' with his parents owning a wealthy estate in osaka, japan. but he quickly abandoned that life and he started over in korea at the age of seventeen. the cash he gathered for his life in the new country ran out and that was when the fun could really start for dai. he began boxing in the undergrounds of seoul and trained up to become a fully-fledged fighter by the time he was nineteen. he began fighting in matches against others like him, but in the underground, fair fights are boring - and dai fully agrees. so to make things more interesting for himself he's part-swindler and part-boxer. his 'system' is that he engages in alleyway fights for half the night {12am until 3am}, gathering his winnings or snatching an onlooker's wallet if he loses and investing the rest of the money in gambling the remainder of the night away {3am until 6am}. his favourites are classics such as poker, roulette and blackjack. his day job is that he co-manages a casino above ground as well as earning a name as a legitimate boxer.

 his day job is that he co-manages a casino above ground as well as earning a name as a legitimate boxer

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e x t r a ;

theme ; gd & t.o.p - zutter

face claim ; kwon ji-yong

nationality ; korean / japanese

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