» soo.yubin

73 1 22

❝ they'll kiss me, manic dream pixie. ❞

❝ don't wanna love me 'cause it feels too risky. ❞


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affliction level + treatment ;

status ; fluctuating.

vulnerability to worsen ; 77%

impact on daily life ; moderate.

treatments ; tracing her faerie arm tattoo, pomegranate.

» it comes as little of a shock that soo yubin hasn't suffered the chō no shōjiki { 蝶の正直 } illness towards anyone; the only person the woman loves is herself. however she has lied to herself several times over and has experienced the illness that way. over what specifically, she won't tell. soo yubin hopes that if she can one day be honest with herself she just might be able to open her heart up to another, but even then she's unsure with her feelings toward commitment and what a solid relationship means. «

n a m e ;

수유빈 {soo yubin}

n i c k n a m e / s ;

ubi, yubinnie, tinkerbell

a g e ;

nineteen {19}

g e n d e r ;

s e x u a l i t y ;


r e l a t i o n s h i p ;


a p p e a r a n c e ;

yubin looks mature beyond her years, but only because she's perfected the art of making appearances match a fake ID. without makeup her face is actually quite round and youthful, nothing over the top about her natural face. she's of a tall stature and can be considered elegant with how she seems to be able to switch from floating by to like she's on a catwalk. her straight hair reaches down to her bust, the roots a darker shade as she's obviously dyed it blonde. her makeup involves a lot of eyeliner with a bold lip colour choice and she tends to wear outfits that cling to her curvaceous body. her voice when at work is honeyed and can entice customers to another drink, but in reality and when she's not putting on an act it's rather raspy and that lingering hint of allure. her laugh tends to be lower and almost darker since her sense of humour is a little warped. she has her belly button pierced as well as her ears and her hip, with no current tattoos. in her faerie form, her ears turn longer with an elven-pixie look to them and she has a bright golden ring around her forearm signifying her fae-hood.

p e r s o n a l i t y ;

yubin is perhaps the most careless and apathetic person one would get to meet. she rather lets things unfold and if that backfires, then it just makes things more interesting for her. she believes that life will work out no matter how deep in trouble someone can get, that it's stressing over things you cannot help that gets people down. with her blase attitude, she's ticked people off before but she hardly pays attention. anyone and everyone is dispensable to yubin; she finds people easy to replace and that originality is dead these days. basically all that yubin cares about is having enough cash to keep paying the rent on her one-room apartment. she tends to string people along before dropping them and if she's confronted she merely shrugs and tells them it's their own fault. she's never really experienced guilt, which speaks of her lack of concern for others. either people can keep up with her or they can't. they either receive her attention or they don't. nothing is predictable with yubin, nothing is ever 'confirmed'.

l i k e s ;

. playing the drums .

. fairy floss .

. ballet .

. spa days .

d i s l i k e s ;

. commitment .

. seafood .

. museums .

b a c k g r o u n d ;

bluntly put, yubin is a runaway. she left her adopted parents when she was eighteen with nowhere to go, no real plans for herself beyond getting out of the house. after pounding the pavement for a few nights, she eventually got a job working at a convenience store during the day, and after dark she works at a night club to make ends meet. yubin commonly serves drinks but cage dances due to her commendable flexibility and if she wants a few extra tips that night. her boss in the nightclub often acts protectively over her and it is rumoured he has a sizable crush on yubin. but she hasn't noticed as she can be quite oblivious to people's feelings. either way she can't reciprocate how he feels. a deeper secret of yubin's is that she's skilled in the art of ballet, and is currently taking classes with the spare cash she's earned from extra shifts. still silently clutching onto her childhood dream of being a ballerina. and maybe after retirement to open up her own dance studio for disadvantaged kids.

 and maybe after retirement to open up her own dance studio for disadvantaged kids

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† e x t r a ;

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e x t r a ;

theme ; peach prc - heavy

panic! at the disco - don't threaten me with a good time

face claim ; kim yu bin

nationality ; korean / taiwanese

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