2-Goddamn Fruit Cheese

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After a lovely art class full of unfortunate mishaps, poorly chosen white shirts, and idiot students drinking paint, your day was almost over.  All that was left was math.

Good ol' math.

If it weren't for the fact that Chris was in your math class, you'd be dreading walking into room 104.  Why weren't you dreading it?  Because Chris meant entertainment.

You decided that if you were going to the Halloween party, than you'd need a costume.  Even after texting Pitch for ideas, you still hadn't made a decision.

"Hey Chris, what do you think I should be for halloween?"  You asked him as class was packing up.
"Hmm, what about a slutty cop?"  Chris asked.  The sad part was, there was no smirk on his face, just a dazed look.  This resulted in a kick to the shin.

"No Chris, I need something presentable.  Do I look like JJ's girlfriend to you?"  You asked him.
"Hmm, I guess not.  The face shape is all off."  He said musingly.
"You could be a mouse?"  He suggested.  You liked the idea, but you were slightly concerned because of the look on Chris' face.  It was a face of knowingness.  A face you didn't trust.

Oh well, its not like you had any other ideas anyways.

As soon as you had mentally decided to be a mouse, the bell rang.
"Well Chris, I'll see you tomorrow!  Don't get too many ideas while I'm gone."  You shouted to Chris as he walked away.

Well, time to go shopping for a mouse costume.

After walking home with Yuuri and Viktor, you grabbed your wallet and set off to your local generic Halloween store.

You walked inside, slightly irritated after being swatted at by a hanging plastic skeleton yelling "The Grim Reaper will visit you soon!"  In a chiché wail.

As you walked last the store employe who had a bored look on their face and a laniard with smiling pumpkins around their neck, you spotted the teen section.

You strolled over, and nearly ripped down a fake spider web that strung itself over your face.

Looking over the various costumes, you noticed some rather questionable ones such as a hotdog and a promiscuous angel.  Finally, as you neared the end of the section you spotted a mouse costume.  Next to it there was a costume titled 'Fromage aux Fruits.' 

You became very concerned about the fact of wether or not the store knew french.

Oh well, it still wasn't the weirdest thing you had seen that day.

You began filing through the mouse costumes looking for your size.  Once you found it, you walked up to the nearly asleep cashier.

"Uh, that'll be $19.99 miss."  He said.
'Goddamn overpriced fruit cheese.'  You thought.

"Thanks.  Have a nice day."  You said as you began walking away.  You could've sworn you heard the guy mutter "Its hard when you're surrounded by asshole hanging skeletons all hours of the day."

'Well then.  Thats enough spoopy for today.'  You thought as you began walking home.

October 31st-Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now