18-The Pancake Incident

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"Hey Yuri, whaddaya want for breakfast?" You asked Yuri the morning after you moved in.

You had just woken up, and to your pleasant surprise you awoke to your boyfriend's sleeping face and his arms around your waist.

"Hmm, how about pancakes?" He requested.

"I mean, I guess. You've gotta help me though." You said with a smirk.

"Oh boy. I guess." He said.

The two of you walked downstairs, and into the kitchen.

"Ok, so first grab the measuring cups, a bowl, and a whisk. A spoon would probably help too." You ordered Yuri.

"Ok, jeez. Didn't know you were my Home Ec teacher." He jokingly replied.

"Yeah, yeah, hilarious. Ok, now we need flour and eggs. Wheres your sugar again?" You asked, your back turned.

"Right here." He replied, gesturing to a large metal shelf in the corner of the room.

"Ok, well I'm unfortunately short, so you'll have to grab that." You said, plan coming to mind.

"Ugh, I do all the work in this relationship." Yuri groaned.

With his back turned, you took the golden opportunity presented to you.

When Yuri walked over to the shelf, you quickly spun around and grabbed the bag of flour. Creeping up behind the unsuspecting boy, you raised the bag above his head.

You stopped midway, as Yuri suddenly whipped around.

"Surprise bitch!" Yuri yelled, flinging eggs at you.

"Yuri, I swear to God!" You screamed at you threw the flour at him.

"Oh my fucking God Y/n! You're so gonna get it!" Yuri said with a cackle, grabbing the sugar from behind him and blindly flinging the bag at you.

You quickly sidestepped, and ran over to the counter. You grabbed the bowl and a whisk, and started flinging the batter towards him.

To your dismay, there were two bowls of batter (one with chocolate chips and one with blueberries of course) and Yuri swiftly grabbed the other bowl.

"You crafty little shit!" You hollered, as you stepped around to the other side of the kitchen. The only thing between the two of you now was the island.

"What fresh Hell is this?" You heard someone yell.

Yuri's grandfather.

"Oh, uh hey Grandpa. I thought your flight left this morning?" Yuri said with an awkward chuckle.

The two of you slowly turned to him, awkwardly smiling.

"Actually, my flight got delayed and I came here to grab a bag I forgot. Apparently, I also forgot to lock you two up in your kennels. I really can't leave you two alone together, can I?" Yuri's grandfather sputtered with a sigh.

"I'm so sorry, we'll have this all cleaned up. Heck, we can have it done by the time your plane leaves." You said with a confident smile.

Then again, it's kind of hard to be confident when you're covered in pancake ingredients.

"Oh Lord, I don't have tine for this. You kids have fun together. I'll see you in a few weeks, be sure to call you two." He went to hug Yuri, and then withdrawaled.

"Please, just go clean yourselves up." He muttered, walking out the door now holding his bag.

"We will Grandpa, have fun!" Yuri hollered.

The door closed, and you turned to Yuri.

"Y'know, screw pancakes. Wanna get cleaned up and go to IHoP?" You asked.

"Hell yeah. Ladies first to the showers I suppose." Yuri replied.

The two of you walked upstairs, and you slipped into the bathroom. You began to take off your clothes, but little did you know you forgot to lock the door.

Hey guys!

I was wondering, in the next chapter should I do a smut scene?

I could either do a shower smut, or something more comedic. Comment your opinions, thanks!

October 31st-Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now