8-Broken Mirrors

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It has been two weeks.


Two whole weeks without any calls, texts, or conversations with Yuri.

Hell, he wasn't even making eye contact with you. That was probably the thing that had scared you the most.

I mean, this obviously isn't the first time you got in a fight. That would be ridiculous, all friends got in fights. Especially considering how stubborn you and Yuri were.

You were scared because Yuri hadn't even made eye contact with you. In all your other fights, at least you had looked each other in the eye.

You were also confused. Why was Yuri ignoring you? After all, he yelled after you. He certainly seemed like he wanted to talk.

You really hoped he approached you soon, Christmas break started in less than a week.


It was now Thursday, and you were walking to your first period.

"Y/n, really. Just go talk to him. Please." JJ said to you.

"Oh wow, look at whose not being an asshole for once." You responded.

After the fight, you had become snappier than usual. Your friends were starting to get fed up with it.

"Ok, I'm done with this shit. I'll be right back, I need to make a call.  Ok?"  Chris said.

"Yeah, whatever." You said as you kept walking.

You had your head down as you were walking, and bumped foreheads with someone. You looked up, and were met with dead blue eyes.

It was Yuri. You couldn't believe your eyes, you hardly knew it was him. He looked as bad as you did, his usually semi-neat hair a mess. It was falling everywhere, and oily. You wondered when the last time he washed it was. The rest of him looked equally as bad, his eyes had dark circles under them accompanied with light creases beginning to show on his cheek bones.

"Holy shit." You said with a whisper.

You quickly noticed Ota wasn't there with him once you teared your eyes away from his disgruntled figure.

"Wheres Ota?" You muttered quietly.

"He had to take a call." Yuri said.

His voice was void of any emotion. You were becoming very concerned, he looked as bad as you. And that was saying a lot.

Your normally shiny H/c hair was now dull.  Your showers had become less, seeing as you would end up sleeping or becoming deep in thought whenever you were off school, leading to dull, oily hair and dry skin.

Your clothes weren't in the best condition either, seeing as you resorted to wearing either legging and the same F/c hoodie, or jogging pants, a white tank top and a zip-up hoodie.  You couldn't do much with your hair in its condition, so you just left it down. 

You could tell Yuri noticed, as he slowly looked at you with surprised eyes.

"You look like crap."  Yuri said to you.

"Yeah, well you're not doing any better bud.  Go look in a mirror."  You replied.

"I would if they weren't all broken."  Yuri muttered.

You wondered what he meant, and looked down at his hands.  They were bandaged with a white cloth, and you snapped out of your dead mindset for a moment.

"Wow Yuri, you sure are letting your Russian anger get the best of you."  You said with a small chuckle.

You had no idea how much that meant to Yuri, as he had also missed talking to you.  It took a large weight off his shoulders to know you weren't too mad.

Sadly, the moment had to end as the bell rang.

"Text me."  Yuri said as he began to walk away.

As soon as he walked away, the reality hit you.  Yuri had actually spoken to you, and he laughed.  You also realized you looked like crap, and made a mental note to shower after school.


I had to switch to writing this on my laptop half way through and I'm not sure if I did the spacing correctly heLP

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