Showers and Towels (CRACK CHAPTER)

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Hey guys, I'm sick right now and as a result I'm tired.
My brain is noodles.
Anywho, since I don't trust myself to do a proper chapter, heres a little crack chapter for you!


'Man, I really need a shower.'  You thought as you laid on your bed.

You managed to peel yourself off your bed, and walked across your room.  You stepped into your bathroom and flicked on the lights.

You were met with the sight of a very messy counter.  Strewn across it was various items of makeup and hair products left over from getting ready for the Halloween party.

You got undressed and stepped into the shower.  You began washing your hair with f/s shampoo.  You began thinking about what to do tomorrow, seeing as it was a holiday.

As you became lost in thought, you began to focus less on your shampoo and more on your holiday.  This resulted in you getting shampoo in your eyes.

"OH SHIT THAT HURTS!"  You yelled as you tried to rub it out.  For a split second you became concerned if your parents had heard, but quickly realized they were away on business.

That thought was forgotten as the shampoo continued to burn.

You stepped out of the shower, blindly flailing for your towel.
"FUCK ME!"  You yelled as you remembered you forgot a towel.

You could see the little shit now, sitting perfectly folded on your bed.

You quickly found your bathroom doorknob and ran into your room, trying to find it.

As you were desperately feeling around the sheets, you heard your door open.

"HOLY SHIT!"  You heard someone yell.

That someone sounded a lot like Yuri.

'Well, I'm screwed.  I didn't get to shave  yet.'  You thought, oblivious to the fact that the towel fell under your bed.

October 31st-Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora