19-The Star and the Moon (Final)

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After three months, and trying to write this four times, here it is guys. I hope you like this 1000 word shitstorm.

After a nice long and uninterrupted shower, you decided to curl up on your couch and read a nice book.  It was a mystery novel that you had been putting off for a long time, and you thought that it was a good time to read it.

You were enjoying your book, when you heard someone enter the room.  You looked up, and saw it was Yuri.

"Hey Y/n."  He greeted you.  He seemed quieter than normal, but you decided to let it slide presuming it was just Yuri being Yuri.

"Hey Yuri."  You replied, eyes back on your book.

"Um, do you wanna go out to dinner later?  You don't have to or anything, I was just wondering."  He asked.  Ok, now he really seemed nervous.

"Sure, are you ok?  It's just me y'know, there's really nothing to be worried about."  You said with a small laugh.

"I know, I guess I'm just being weird."  He said, now slightly smiling.

He told you that you were going to some restaurant you had never heard of before, and that it was fairly classy but you could wear whatever you wanted.


You and Yuri arrived the restaurant, and you stepped out of the car.

The name of the restaurant read 'Maison de Pâtes' in obnoxiously bright slanted cursive writing.

"Yuri, why is this place called house of pasta?"  You asked, desperately trying to tear your eyes away from the neon sign.

"Honestly, I don't know.  Why not?"  He replied, grabbing your hand as you began to walk towards the door.

Like the gentleman he was, he reached the door before you and held it open.

As soon as the doors opened, you were hit with the scent of spaghetti and steak.

"Oh my god, this place smells amazing.  How come I've never heard of it before?"  You questioned, scanning the front desk area.

The entrance had red cushion benches along the walls with display cases behind them.  Seeing as it was nearly Christmas, there were porcelain Santas and reindeer sitting on top of green garland inside the cases.

Your attention was brought back to the front desk when a waitress spoke to you and Yuri.

"Hi there, a table for two?"  The lady asked, smiling at you.

"Actually, there should be a reservation under Plisetsky."  Yuri budded in.

"Ok, I see your name right here.  Follow me to your table please."  She chirped, seemingly too happy to be working on a Friday night.

As she lead you left down a row of booths towards your table, you leaned over and whispered to Yuri.

"Wow, you got a reservation?"  You quietly asked.

"Yeah, I was kinda praying you would say yes when I asked you to dinner tonight."  He whispered back.

He still seemed slightly nervous about something, so you decided you'd ask him when you were at the table.

"Here you two go, your waitress will be right over!"  The lady told you two as you sat down.

It was a nice seat towards the back of the restaurant.

The table was dimly lit, and right next to your table was a bay window looking over the city.  Seeing as it was late at night, you could see all of the lights around the area.

After the waitress came over and took your orders, you and Yuri began small talk.

"Looking forward to exams?"  Yuri asked with an amused smile.

"Of course, I can't wait for the time of year when I start relying on instant noodles and coffee as my life source."  You replied. 

"Aren't you?  It's so fun to balance studying with buying your entire friend group and family presents."  You joked.

"It's going to be great.  I already got Yuuri and Viktor matching Christmas sweaters."  Yuri explained.

"I got JJ a mirror that says 'My true love' on it.  I think he'll like it."  You told him.

It was then that you realized that you still hadn't asked Yuri why he was acting so weird.

'Well, might as well go for it.'  You thought.

"Yuri, are you ok?  You've been acting weird since this afternoon."  You asked.

"No, I'm not ok.  Oh, uh I mean I'm fine, I mean no nothing's wrong.  Oh wait, you didn't even ask that, you asked if I was ok.  Shit."  Yuri continued to ramble.

You began to become concerned.

"Shh, Yuri be quiet.  Just tell me what's bothering you."  You said as you put your finger on his lips.

"Ok, I kinda have a question to ask you." Yuri said, his face beginning to turn red.

"Ok, go on."  You said, beginning to become worried.  What If he asked you to go on a double date with Yuuri and Viktor?  That wouldn't work, Viktor would start touching Yuuri's thigh under the table and things would only escalate from there.

Yuri turned and grabbed something out of his pocket.

It was a small midnight blue box.

You sat speechless as Yuri began to talk.

"Y/n, I've known you for as long as I can remember.  I probably know you better than I know myself, and that shows how much I care for you."

He opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring.  It had a star and a moon connected in the center, and there was a diamond inside of the moon's curve.

You covered your mouth with your hands as Yuri continued.

"Now, I know we're only in highschool and we're too young to be married, but I still want to spend my life with you.  I got you a promise ring, so do you promise to marry me one day?"  Yuri asked, tears flowing down your face.

Throughout your entire life, you had never seen Yuri put so much emotion into something.

"Yuri, I really don't know what to say other than yes.  Yes, I promise myself to you, as long as you promise yourself to me."  You sputtered out as he slid the ring onto your finger.

He reached down and hugged you as the people around you began to applaud.

That was the best night of your life.  Even eight years later, after your wedding, you still wore the ring next to your wedding ring.

You still lived happily with Yuri, and you were probably the happiest woman alive.

The end.

Oh my god I can't believe I finished it.

This is it guys, I feel kinda empty inside now that its finally done.

Over the course of writing this book, I've really noticed a change of my writing, and I hope to keep improving as I write more books!

I'd like to thank Vikturri_Fan for being a huge supporter throughout this book, and everyone else who has ever commented, voted, or has ever just read the book. This story wouldn't have gone on for so long if it wasn't for you guys.

If any of you want an epilogue, either comment, message me, or dm me on instagram at @multifandom_sarah (I promise I don't bite just ask Vikturri_Fan) with ideas!

I love you all so much, and thank you for coming with me on this long ass journey.

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