Rough Patches

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I went to sleep to sound of my parents arguing and breaking stuff. Sometimes I wish my parents weren't my parents. I wish someone could just save me from all of this. My parents are druggies and my dads abusive for no reason but hey I guess it's not all bad at least I'm not homeless or dead. Hi my name is Janai. I am seventeen years old. I am the only child of two horrible parents. I go to saint Joseph high school. I am all kinds of screwed up.

I woke up to my alarm I guess it's time to go to school. It's my only good time of the day. It's where I can be free and be myself. I brushed my hair in a ponytail with a cap on. I put on jeans and a shirt and sneaker. I grabbed my bag and waited for my best friend to pick me up. Her name is Reyna. Although my situation is messed up. Reyna is very fortunate. She has everything she can ask for. She spoiled and she always there for me. She buys me clothes like nice clothes. I use to have to steal from the Salvation Army. My parents wouldn't let me get a job.

I see a all black Rang Rover pull up. "Hey boo get in so we can get some food I'm hungry". I got in the car and I hugged my friend. "Hey Reyna". "So what's been up how was your weekend"? "The same as usual trying to keep distance from my parents". "I told you. You can come stay with me and my family until I get my apartment". "I can't I told you how my parents are". "True what you want to eat?". "Uh I want hash browns from Burger King". "Alright". We arrived at school. We sat in the car and ate our breakfast. "So Janai I'm going to the mall after school. You want to come with me". "Uh yeah sure I just have to be home before eight I have to be my parents home".

"Does your parents even know about me". "I can't the only reason I have a phone is so they can contact me. Them only if they know i talk to other people they would take it". "They are so demanding but at least they gave an iPhone 7". "I know right". "I'll see you at lunch".

After sixth period me and Reyna met up in the cafeteria. We sat at our normal table. I got a salad and she got sushi. "So Janai did you hear about the new girl". "No what new girl". "Her name is Khodie and I hear that she's stinking rich". "Oh that must be cool". "Hey listen even though you may not have a lot of money doesn't make you any less. I will still get you what ever you want". "Thanks Reyna".

We went to the mall in Malibu. "What is it that you need". "I need more bras and undies and more pants and dresses and shoes". "Okay I could use that stuff too what about makeup". "Yeah I'm running out of foundation. You know I hate my freckles". We were looking through racks of clothes when Reyna nudge me. "What"? "There she is". "There who is". "The new girl Khodie". "Oh". She's a bright skinned girl with long light brown hair and she's wearing a tshirt and addidas pants and sneakers and a gold chain and she was with some boys. "I have got to be her friend". "Reyna are you saying that because she's rich.. Why is she dressed like a boy". "She's a lesbian duh and yes plus she might really be nice". "Well why does she have to dress like a guy to prove she's gay". "I don't know she might be comfortable dressing that way". "I guess that's weird". "Maybe but i gonna go try these clothes on". "Okay".

"Hey how are you doing. My name is Khodie and you are". "Uh my name is Janai". "So what do you like to do". "I don't know". "I'm new here and I was wondering if you want to hang out sometime". "No thank you I can't have friends". "Why not"? "Because it's complicated.. look I get it your a pretty girl with money and you must heard I'm very poor look I'm not a charity case and I don't need you to hang out with me because you feel sorry". "No I don't I". I stormed off before she could finish. "Let's go Reyna now". "Geez okay I'll pay for the stuff and we will leave".

"What happened in there? Why are you upset"? "I met Khodie and she's pretty and all but I'm no charity case". "Why you say that". "I know she heard I was poor and she was trying to talk to me look i get it. I'm funny and sad and pathetic". "Janai no your not your smart and funny and kind and genuine and very very beautiful". "Thanks I love you girl". "I love you too know go take all that in your room before your parents get home". "Okay thanks again". "Good night". "Night". I watched as she drove off. I went to my house to go back to this vicious cycle I call a life.

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Where stories live. Discover now