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I woke up early and i couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't want to go to school today not looking like this. I went down to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for Khodie and her dad. Guess I should make myself useful if I'm going to be staying here. After I finished making the spread of food. I went back up stairs and Khodie was sleeping on her stomach with her hair all over the place. She looked peaceful and adorable. I gently shook her, "Hey Khodie wake up I made you guys breakfast". "Awe you did? You didn't have to do that". She rubbed her eyes and got up and stretched and went brushed her teeth and washed her face. "Should I go wake your dad up". "No he's probably already up especially if it smells good". "Oh okay well let's get today started then".

"Really Janai you didn't have to cook us breakfast". "It's fine Mr. Williams. It's thank you breakfast for letting me stay here". "Well you welcome I have to get going. I will see you two later on this evening". "Alright bye daddy". Khodie hugged him and locked the door behind him. "Khodie I don't want to go to school today. Not looking like I do". "That's fine look we can stay here all day if you want. We still going get your stuff right"? "Awe your so sweet. Shit I need to call Reyna before she goes to my house looking for me". I called Reyna.

"Hey Rey uh I'm not at home I won't be home for along time. I'm staying at Khodie's. I just had enough of being abused and mistreated". "Oh so your at Khodie's? Since when. I been told you that you could live with me. Is she like your new best friend or something". "Chill it's fine and I know but she was just there at the time and no she's not my bestie you are she's just my girlfriend". "She's your who now.. Bitch since when"? "Since last night". "I see you but I'll talk to you later". "Alright Reyna".

"I couldn't really sleep last night". "Oh well you could have told me I would have stayed up with you". "No your fine you need go get sleep plus I'm use to staying up all the time". "I just want you to feel comfortable". "I will get there shortly. I just need time I guess. My parents should be leaving for work in a few minutes we can go over there soon". "Alright let's go get changed". "Okay cool".

"Actually Khodie i really don't need the stuff at my place. I can get a job and replace it". "You sure? You don't need a job I got you". "Nah you don't have to I can get a job. No I don't mind I'm going to need one anyway". "Well whenever that time comes you can get one but I got you until then". "Alright well thank you". "Can I ask why you don't want to go anymore". "I'm just not ready to go back home. I don't know even if I ever go back". "Well I won't rush you into anything".

We sat on the couch and talked for hours. "So what was it like growing up like this Khodie"? "Well it's great and everything. I have every and anything I can ask for. But it also gets lonely. My dad is always working and I'm always alone. I usually am home schooled but I convince my dad to let me finish school at an actually school so I can make friends". "Oh how has that been so far"? "It depends you don't know if people want to be your friend because of what you have or who you are or if they are actually there because they care". "Well yeah I totally get that". "So what are you here for"?

"Well I heard about you before meeting you. But I honestly didn't care how much money you have. I thought you were going to be a spoiled rich kid. Now I realize there's much more to you than that. Your sweet, caring, genuine and funny. Your an amazing person with a beautiful heart. I just want to thank you for everything". "Awe bae thank you that was sweet". She took me in her arms and held me. "Awe you called me bae". I smiled to myself. "I was nervous I didn't know if you wanted me to call you that yet". "No it's completely fine". "So I know this might be hard to talk about but tell me about your life growing up. How did you get to this point in your life"?

"No it's fine. I'm cool with talking about it. Um.. my life wasn't always like this. In the beginning everything was pure bliss. I was the apple of my parents eyes. They treated me like a princess. They always spent time with me and they always gave me what I wanted. They cherished family time. When I was about ten years old I started to see a change in them. They had made some new friends in the neighborhood. I didn't find out that they were doing drugs until I found them stealing my stuff for money for drugs. I will say they were smart they made sure they paid there bills. They made sure I had a place to live and sleep. They would give me things but then ask for it back. If I never did what they asked of me my dad would abuse me. They fought all the time. It became an endless cycle of pain and struggle and honestly regret". "Well why you never called the police"? "Because they are my parents. Because I love them. Because one day I know they will get help to better there lives. And when that happens I will talk to them again".

"Damn I'm sorry that you had to go through that". "It's fine our struggles mold us to become stronger people so I'm going to be fine". "That's good. Now I do have an older sister. She just doesn't really talk to me and my dad like that". "Why not"? "Ever since my mom died she blames my dad for it. Since I stayed with him she doesn't really talk to me". "How did your mom die? If you don't mind me asking". "It's okay. She had lung cancer and type one diabetes. She had stopped taking her insulin on purpose.. and she stop going to therapy. Frankly I think she just didn't want to live like that suffering everyday. My sister blames him for not forcing her. But you can't make someone do something they don't want to. Of course I miss my mom but I feel as though she is looking down on me everyday blessing us over and over again. I feel as though she's finally happy". "I'm happy you found peace in all of that". "Me too".

I just looked at her face as I stroked her hair out of her face. I've never been so open with anyone before. It just comes so easy with her.

"Hey uh I've never really been so open with anyone about my life before besides my best friend". "Really"? "Yeah.. I don't know I feel like I can just tell you stuff and you won't judge me". "You right I won't ever judge you ever. You can trust me". "I feel like I can". "I got you". "You got me"? "Yeah I do". "Let's uh put some clothes on and I'll take you shopping for some stuff". "Really"? "Yes really". "Okay". She kissed my cheek and ran off upstairs. I just smiled to myself. Can I actually be happy?

I went up stairs and changed into some black Adidas pants and a black t shirt and some slides and I brushed my hair in a ponytail. She walked out the bathroom in some cut up jeans and a form fitting tank top and some nikes and her hair in two French braids. She covered her bruise.
"You look nice". "Really? I only had grabbed a few clothes. Didn't know if they went together or not I was in a rush". She chuckled. "You look nice. Well let's get going". I put my wallet and phone in my pocket.

We went down to the parking garage. Which car am I going to drive today? I got the keys to my black Bugatti. "Let's go". I opened the garage and we left. "So how many cars do you have"? "I have four cars. I have the white lambo, I have this one, I have a red camaro it was first car and I have a black Lexus". "Damn girl". "Well they were presents. Do you know how to drive"? "Yeah but I don't have my license". "I will take you to go get you license one day this week and I'll let you have my Lexus. I don't use it that much". "Really"? "Yeah well when we aren't together you going to need to get around". "Your being the sweetest ever".

We arrived at the mall. She grabbed my hand as we walked around. We went shopping and we both got some stuff. "We have too many bags". "I know I'm sorry". "No your fine". "How about I cook you dinner tonight to repay you for your gratitude". "Can you have my favorite"? "And what's your favorite"? "I love spaghetti and homemade ravioli". "I don't know how to make ravioli but I can learn how to if it's your favorite". She leaned up and she kissed my cheek. "Awe your cute". "Let's get home Reyna is suppose to bring our homework by". "Alright".

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Where stories live. Discover now