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The next morning I woke up with a headache I walked to my bathroom and took some aspirin. I really didn't feel like going to school or bumping into Janai but I have to go. It's the last week. I brushed my teeth and I put my hair in a ponytail  and a hoodie and sweats and some sneakers. I really care.

I went downstairs and told my father bye. "Khodie don't forget you have to go to the studio after school". "Okay". I drove to school and went hang out with the gang. Celia sat by me, "So I see no girlfriend today. Is she hiding because I whooped her ass". "No we broke up because of you. Your such an vindictive little slut and I wish I never slept with you". I yelled as I stormed away. I leaned against my locker as I saw her walking pass. She was wearing jeans and a hoodie and sneakers and a hat. We looked at each other as she passed me. She didn't even speak to me or anything.

I just didn't feel like being at school anymore so I went to the beach to do some thinking. Tomorrow is her big and final game ever maybe I'll go to support her to show her that I still care.

School was kind of boring I mean I saw Khodie I nearly died when we had eye contact. I went home and I just took a nap. I didn't get much sleep last night. A new place and I'm with out Khodie. I mean we only dated for a couple of months but she really meant a lot to me.

I woke up to Spechelle licking my nose. It was around eight o'clock at night. Lauren walks into my room in a towel. "Hey if your coming tonight get ready and don't forget to lock Spechelle up". "Oh yeah okay". I got up and I made me done flat tummy tea and went sat in my bathroom and I started doing my makeup.  There was a knock at my door. "Come in". Lauren comes in with a grey skin tight jumpsuit in with a jacket wrapped around her waist with some thigh high boots and her hair in a high bun. "Do I look cute". "Lauren you look hot". "Thanks".

I drunk my tea and then I got dressed.

I grabbed my phone and I put Spechelle in her cage. I took another look in the mirror. Lauren grabbed my hand as she pulled me out of the apartment.  We went to the parking garage and we got in her grey challenger. We went to this club like place.
"Lauren how am I suppose to get into there in only seventeen". "It's okay I know the bouncer let's go".

I walked up to the entrance and Lauren hugged the black guy. "She's with me Zeek. She's cool". "Alright.. you can go in". I followed behind Lauren and we went into a V.I.P.  section. Some guys and girls showed up. We jammed to the music. I grabbed the patron and pour some in my cup and mixed it pineapple juice. I sipped my drink and Lauren was pulling someone behind her. "Hey this is Valarie". I looked up to see this beautiful like skinned girl with beautiful brown eyes and curly black hair in jeans and a tank top. She had a lot of tattoos.

I smiled nervously. She sat down by me. "Hi I'm Val. You must be Janai. Lauren has told me a lot about you". "Oh I hope good things". "Yeah she did"
Lauren plops down by me,"oh shit girl guess who's preforming tonight". "Who". "Kodie". "Oh my gosh I'm not ready to see her again. Why did you bring me here". "I just found out I'm sorry".she frowned then got up and went off dancing. "Can I get you a drink?". "Sure Val". I followed behind her to the bar and I sat on a stool. "What would you like?". "Crown and Coke please". "Your a heavy drinker". "Not really just need some liquid courage".

She handed me my drink as she sat by me on the other stool. "I just wanted to say your very beautiful I feel like Lauren kind of down played you a lot when she described you". "At least you got a description I just she's cute but your very beautiful as well Val". All I hear is the intro to "Drip on my walk". I took a deep breath and I chugged me drink. Thank god we are to the left of the stage hopefully she won't see me.

I hear performing. I don't want to turn around. "She's kind of awesome. Don't you think". "Yeah I guess". "Aren't you gonna watch the performance?". "I mean I guess it would be rude not to". I swung around and I watched kodie do her thing as always she does a phenomenal job. As she was walking off the stage as she was thanking the people. She turned her head and she looked right at me. I felt like a deer in head lights I didn't know what to do so I just faintly waved at her as I bit my bottom lip and I quickly spun back around.

"Whoa that was werid to watch. Y'all know each other or something". "Yeah you can say that". "Oh .. we could have left of you didn't want to be here". "Can we leave now". "Yeah let's go". She held me hand as we walked to the place I looked back one more time and I saw Khodie's face she looked sad. I feel bad. We went back to Valerie's place.  We sat on Val's couch and we drunk some tequila. "So how old are you Val?". "I'm twenty-one and i know your seventeen". "Your not scared to be talking to an underage girl". "No your about to eighteen soon. Why should I worry. Plus who cares". "I guess you are right. But you won't be driving tonight since. I gave you alcohol". "You just want me to sleep with you". We laughed. "No I want you to be safe". "Awe that's sweet". "If you want you can sleep on the couch right here I'll bring a blanket for you and I'll be in my room down the hall". "Okay cool".

I took my jeans off and laid on the sofa and I tried to sleep I was tossing and turning all night plus I was super cold. I got up and I rubbed my eyes and I walked down the hallway to Val's bedroom. I walked in and I gently shook her. "Val do you have someone blankets?". " can sleep with me if you want", She said sleepily as she moved over some. I got in the bed and I snuggled up to her.
I can't believe I was Janai at my show and who was that girl she was with. I walked in my room and my sister followed behind me. "What's been going on with you? Where's your lil stank girlfriend". "She's not my girlfriend we broke up". "What? Why? Did she hurt you?". "More like we hurt each other". "Well you can't be sad forever". "I know that Charlie. I think she already moved on and I'm stuck here in love with her". "Well maybe you should move on too or just make it look like you are". "You think that would get her attention". "Master yeah". "Okay cool.. thanks".

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Where stories live. Discover now