Litte Secret

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The next day in school. Khodie seems little distant and I don't know why. Maybe she's just nervous about her release party tonight. I got out of practice. I went to the showers and I ran the water and I got in. I felt hands on my body. "Should have asked me to come join". I turned around  it was Celia. "What the hell are you doing in here". "Just checking out things". "Like what. Girl get out here". "I mean I'm just trying to see what's up". "What are you talking about Celia"? "I mean your dating Khodie. Your making out with Jamel. Can I be next on the list".

"There's no list". "I mean I could always tell Khodie about what I saw". "No that would break her heart please don't". "Well what are you gonna do for me then". "I don't know what do you want"? "I want you duh isn't it obvious". "But your always mean to me". "Because I like you  duh". "Right". I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body and got out the shower. "Just one kiss come on Janai". "Just one kiss and you will leave me and Khodie alone"? "Yes".

She then pushed her naked body up to mines and she grabbed the back of my neck as we started to make out. She deepened the kiss as she grabbed my legs and she picked me up. She pinned me up on the shower door. I held on the neck as she cupped my ass and rubbed my clit. I started to moan in her mouth it felt so good. God damn.

Today has been a good day. I've been trying to ignore Celia all day. I haven't really been talking to Janai either. I actually feel kind of bad for shutting her out. Lauren came walk up to me. "Hey Khods uh Janai said to meet her in the locker room". "Why"? "Look I'm just the messenger". "Alright Lauren thanks".

I made my way to the locker room. I hear some moaning echoing through the room. I'm walking around and then I turned around the corner to the showers and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was Janai and Celia fucking. I felt so hurt and disrespected. I just looked in disbelief like why would she do this to me especially with Celia. I felt tears start falling from my eyes. I was pissed I ran off. I got in my car and sped off.

I rushed up stairs to my room. I dropped my book sack on the floor. I'm so mad and I'm sad. I went to my bathroom and I looked through my drawers. I found my old lighter. I closed my eyes and I held the flame to my inner arm. I took deep breathes as it singed my skin. I put some ointment on it so it doesn't blister. I was putting my lighter away and there was a knock at the door. "Hey baby I'm home. Why is the door locked. Let me in I miss you". I rolled my eyes as I opened the door.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and she kissed me. "Oh I've been thinking of doing that all day. How was your day Khods". "It was alright nothing amazing happened". "Well not yet anyways. Tonight's your big night and I got you something". "You didn't have to get me anything".  She brings me a bag and it's a pink hoodie with a little rocket logo on the corner with matching pink hat and some white huaraches. "Awe thanks baby I love it". "Now you can be all swagged out and I'll be wearing pink and white too because I'm your number one supporter".  "Thank you beautiful". "I'm going to take a shower I had a really long practice today coach really got into our asses".

All I could think about is Celia holding her ass and fucking my girl like what is wrong with her. My phone beeped. It was a text message guess who from. You guessed it Celia. So did you have a good time watching my performance today daddy. I think you girl really feeling me or maybe it's just because I make her feel good. But we should have a threesome next time me you and your girl. Sounds like a plan.
I threw my phone across the bed and I just laid back and I played with my burn on my arm as I winced at the pain.

I started to get dress as Celia came behind me. "So same time tomorrow". "What hell no that was a one time thing our deal is done". She then giggled,"why you gotta be like that". "Girl goodbye". I can't believe I just did that. I feel so bad. I never want to hurt Khodie like ever.

I went picked up a few things before heading home. I went upstairs and I couldn't find Khodie. I really need to shower I smell like Celia. I tried to open the door but I was locked. "Hey baby I'm home. Why is the door locked. Let me in I miss you". The door opened and I seen her beautiful face.

I gave her a present then I hopped in the shower. I'm so happy for her and us but I will have to keep this to myself forever and it will suck. I took a shower and put my curly hair in a bun all I did was my eyebrows and put mascara on. I put on a white thigh length dress and a pink bomber jacket and my white huaraches and some gold hoops. I grabbed my keys and my purse. I walked down to Khodie's dads room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in". "Hey Mr. Danny I'm going to go get the cake and make sure everything is set up okay". "Alright where's Khodie"? "She should be upstairs taking a shower". "Alright see you later on". "Okay". I rushed off to the bakery before they closed and they put the cake on the back seat. I arrived at the venue. I parked and walked up to a dark skinned boy with red braids. "Hey yachty can you go and get the cake off of my backseat and put it on the table". "Yeah no problem. You must be Janai. Khodie told me a lot about you". "Really awe and thank you".

I running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I was stressing myself out but I want everything to be perfect for her. She deserves it after all she's done for me. She really deserves this. The record label people and guest started showing up. The photographers were around taking pictures and they were some press there and the music was hitting. I just can't wait for her to perform.

There she goes my baby looking fresh as fuck.

Janai left and I know I maybe over reacting but tonight's a big night for me and I need to focus on maybe this label happy. I hopped in to the shower. I parted my curly hair in the middle and towel dried it. I put on a tank top my pink hoodie and white jeans and white huaraches and my gold chains and watch and my grills.

I drove to the venue and I met up with my dad on the outside. "Are you ready for this Khodie". "Yeah dad ready as I'll ever be but I am kind of nervous I mean this is a big deal". "Your going to be great I'm proud of you just do your best". "Thanks dad". I smiled as I gave him hug. "No problem , janai has been working her butt off for you and this release party you should thank her". "I will".

We walked into the place and it was lit. It was amazing. I can't believe she pulled this off in just two days. Omg! She looked amazing. I walked up to her and I just wrapped my arms around her tiny frame. "Thank you baby".! "I would do anything for you.. but your dad help a lot with the connections and all". "Everything just looks great.

Yachty came up to us. "Hey bro thanks for making it". "No problem your girls amazing son. She did all of this. She's a keeper. But you go out there and do your thing. Tear up that stage". "Thanks my dude". I dabbed in off as he walked away. "Um aren't Reyna and Justin are suppose to come. I hope they come before you preform". "If they don't it will be okay long as you  and my dad is here that's all that matters".

I smiled and watched as she was getting ready to go up on stage. "Give me a kiss for good luck". I pulled her face to mines and i laid a good kiss on her. "You better go and kill it bae". I ran back to the front. I just couldn't stop smiling as I was watching her doing her thing. She's so freaking talented I'm so happy to call her my girlfriend.

I brought her a towel and some water after she finished her set. "You were amazing baby your so talented". "Thank you baby you think L.A. Reid liked me". "I know he did he was talking to your dad during the show". "Really". "Yeah you might be getting good news but I'm not going to spoil it". "You make me so happy". "You make me happy".

Some press people came up to us. "So Khodie what do you think will happen from here?". "Hopefully a great record deal with L.A. Reid". "There's quite the buzz going on about you how do you feel about that". "It feels great to know there's people who actually like my shit". "And who is this beautiful young lady". "This is my girlfriend Janai all of this wouldn't have happen with out her". "Well you two are adorable. Thanks for your time".

We are and we danced and partied all night. We made it home at like four in the morning.  I was exhausted and my feet hurt. I pulled my dress off and shoes and I just crawled into bed. Khodie laid next to me. "Babe that was the best night of my life thank you". "I'm glad you had fun and I'm happy you got that record deal. You deserve it". She wrapped her arms around me as I feel asleep.

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Where stories live. Discover now