Come Back To Me Please

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I came home and changed in to my pjs me and my puppy Spechelle was playing in the living room. "Well look who came home tonight". "Yeah but I had an extremely great day". "Did you do it". "Yeah I did it was mind blowing like so amazing". "See told you". "I went to see Khodie today". "Oh god girl what happened". She say on the couch. "She's like really hurt Lauren like I feel bad. But on another note her dads getting married and I'm in the wedding". "Well that's good J. Did Reyna talk to you?". "Yes she did why". "I just feel like she deserves another chance. I mean at least she had your back when Celia beat you up". "True I'll think about it". "You make this one little thing ruin a long friendship". "I guess your right Lauren I gotta get sleep big game tomorrow".

The next morning I called Reyna to meet me at Starbucks so we can talk before school.
"So I called you here because I wanted to talk to you". "Look Janai I'm sorry. How many times do I have to say it. I was wrong for not telling you when I found out". "And I was wrong I guess my feelings were hurt and I was taking it out on everyone. I'm sorry I do love you. Your like my sister and I don't want to hurt you". "So we are besties again". "Yes of course". "Big game today are you nervous". "Never".

Later that evening before the game. I was doing some stretching when Khodie walked up to me. "Hey I just want to tell you good luck on your game today and I hope you guys win imma be cheering you on". "Awe thank you khodie. How's your hand doing". "Still bruised but I'm good". She smiled at me and I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around it was Valerie. She kissed me and I smiled. "Hey beautiful you ready to kick some ass". "Yes I am". She was holding a sign she made with my name on it. "Oh uh Khodie this is Valerie. Valerie this is Khodie my uh ex girlfriend". "What's up bro". Khodie faked smiled at her, "hey. You better treat her right man". "Oh trust I will". She walked away I knew she was sad. I really do love her I do but I just can't be with her. I just need a break.

It was our second round and we were down by three points. I just couldn't focus for shit. After yesterday finding out that Khodie was hurting herself still and her being unhappy it just sucks. We took a quick break and I drank some gatorade. Lauren and Reyna walks up to me, "What is your deal J". "Yeah you look lost out there. What's on your mind". "Khodie is I just feel bad". "Look I'm so over you two honestly do you want to be with her or not because this shit is getting old." "I don't know maybe. Yes just no time soon but I do want to get back together". "Then shit tell her that". "Yeah because you need to focus and we have a game to win". "Okay". I looked in the crowd for her but I couldn't find her.

I went into my gym bag and I grabbed my phone and I called her. It went straight to voicemail. "Uh Khods call me back. We really need to talk baby. It's important I love you". I hung up and I fixed my pony tail and I got back in the game. We won by 5 points. Val hugged and kissed me. "Congrats Sweetheart". "Thank you". I saw Reyna and Lauren staring at their phones. Lauren had her hand over her mouth. I walked over to them. "What's going on?". "There was an accident. A eighteen wheeler hit a white lambo. They just say that the driver was female but they are releasing any names at this time. The car is totaled". I grabbed my phone quickly and I called Khodie one more time. It went straight to voicemail. I just fell to my knees and I cried. It felt like I was having a mini heart attack I couldn't breathe the thought of her might being dead scared me. Lauren, Reyna and Val comforted me.

I was heated. How dare she kiss that girl in front of me like that. Knowing the feelings I have for her. That's just low as fuck honestly. I didn't want to stay I got in my car and I was driving home. I was speeding I was upset. I was so angry I was burning up. I had my music blasting and I was texting my dad that I would be home soon. All I heard was a horn and then everything became dark.

After calming down I called Mr. Danny. "Hey Janai I can't talk right now". "Is it her? Is she the one that got in that wreck". "Yes Janai it's not looking too good". "What hospital is she in?". "I don't think it's good for you to come here". "I have to". "She's at st. Elizabeth". "I'll be there soon". We all got in our cars and we drove to the hospital. We went to the e.r. Section. I walked up to the desk. "Khodie Williams please". "She's in surgery right now. I will keep you up dated". Danny and Charlie and Isla walked in the door. I ran up to Mr. Danny and I cried in his chest.

"Hey hey sh ssh it's going to be okay Janai". "How do you know that". "Because with god anything is possible". "You did this to my sister. If you wouldn't have treated her bad maybe she would be okay.". "Charlie now look bitch this isn't the appropriate time. Now I done had enough of your shit bitch. You want to hit me hit me because I will poof your shit bitch". I pushed her away from me. She tried to charge at me but her dad held her back. "Charlie go sit down stop making things worst".

"So what is wrong with her?". "She's having internal bleeding right now and she broke her hip and she has a fractured rib". "Oh my goodness". I walked out I went to the bathroom I just needed alone time to pray. "God please save Khodie's life. I need her in my life. She means the world to me you know that. She's special to me. If she makes it. Im going to stop these childish games and we are going to work on us I promise because she's is worth so much more than this. Amen".

I was beginning to walk out and Val was leaning on the door. I whipped the tears from my face. She hugged me close. "You really love her huh?". "Yes I do". "Do you want to be with her?". "Yeah I do". "That's cool but just know if she ever fucks up again your gonna be mines okay". I giggled and she kissed my forehead. "Okay.. your a great person Valerie". "I know let's go back with the other people. But you can always come talk to me and stuff". "Okay thanks". We walked back into the waiting room.

The nurse finally walks out after intense hours of waiting. "Khodie is stable she's sleeping in the room right now". "Hey Janai why don't you and your friends go relax". "Your sure Mr. D I don't want her to wake up and I'm not here". "If she does ill tell her that you were here". "I'm gonna go shower and pack a bag and come back okay". ".Okay Janiai".

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora