Will You??

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We arrived to our condo for the weekend. We were both pretty tired so we really just slept. Im excited that we are in Hawaii it's my first time here. Khodie really does treat me good.

The next morning we went out for breakfast it was perfect. Everything is so chilled here. I was stress free. Me and Khodie was walking holding hands on the beach. Our hair swaying in the tropical breeze. We had some one  take our picture by a coconut tree. "Thank you" she said as she got her phone back.

"It's been amazing babe I can't wait to come back again". We sat down on a towel and i leaned back into her arms as she held. "I would love to spend forever with you Janai". "Really? So you gonna marry me then?". I giggled at the joke. "Yeah maybe. We will see?". "That's funny! your sister would be pissed off if we were to get engaged". "Why you say that?". I giggled again, "because she said that I'm too common and that you wouldn't ever want to marry me".

  "Really and when did she say this". "Yesterday! Before she called me a gold digging slut that only wants your money. Oh and she slapped me!".  "What?! She slapped you? This is unacceptable. I definitely need to talk to her".

"Please do because me putting her in her place isn't working. You know she said that if I got back together with you that I would kill you. She's crazy. I've never done anything to Charlie. Baby like I don't understand. How could your sister hate me so much. All I ever did was try to be nice to her I did. Like I don't know what else to do?". I started to get flustered and panicky I wanted to cry. Khodie started to rub my back.

"Bae it's okay I will handle this I will have a sit down with my whole family okay". "Okay thanks babe". She kissed the temple of my forehead. "Alright let's go we have couples massages in an hour let's go". After the massages we were back the condo laying in bed. "Today has been a great relaxing day".  "Yeah it has. But I have to go out for a bit". "Khods where can you possibly be going?". "I will be back later. How about you take a nap or something" she kissed my forehead as she  left.  I sighed and went to my suite case.

I went looking for my pills because I haven't taken any today. I realized I left them at home. Fuck! I slapped my forehead. "This is great. I hope I don't go crazy today".

I left the condo and I went to the Hanalei Bay and made sure the table and scenery was set up really nice. It's a long boardwalk filled with flowers. It has an gazebo over looking a beautiful water area. I'm like really nervous about proposing to Janai tonight. I mean we just got back on good terms. Maybe it's too soon to propose to her. What if she says no.

I was walking on the beach. The wind whipping my hair. I had a lot to think about. I wish I could have met Janai's parents before doing all of this but I guess it will happen when it happens. I was sitting down looking at the sunset. I started to reflecting on this pass year with Janai and I started to cry.

I've had girlfriends but never have any of those girls were like Janai.  I mean she's smart, beautiful, she's very determined. She doesn't take my shit. She's supportive she's everything I want in a wife.  I whipped my tears and I got up and I went to the nearest store and I went and got some pink roses. I went back to the crib. I went to the bedroom.

Awe Janai look so peaceful as she's sleeping. I kissed her cheek then her neck.  "Baby..". I kissed her her neck some more, "Baby wake up". "Mm yes". She turned over looking at me. I kissed her. "I got these for you" I handed her the roses. She smiled at me ever so sweetly. "Why are you being so romantic?".

"Can I not be good to you?". "I've never said that but out of the blue it's nice. Very Spontaneous". "Well how about you hop your beautiful self in the shower. Then get ready for dinner okay?". "Okay Ms. Romantic".


I smelled my flowers and I sat them down. I went and ran the shower as I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm actually happy like truthfully happy. I got in the shower and I just felt like singing. "Baby you got me like oh. You love when I fall apart (fall apart)
So you can put me together
And throw me against the wall".

I got out and I wrapped my towel around my body as Khodie walked in and ran her a shower. I started to slick my hair back. It takes a lot to do that. Khodie was just looking at me. Yeah she was looking at me like she never has before. "What?". "Your so gorgeous. How did I get to be so lucky?". "No how did I get to be lucky" I kissed her and I continued getting ready.

I put my coat on and I look in the mirror. Khodie stood in the doorway leaning on the frame. "You ready?". "Uh yeah". She held her hand out and I grabbed it. She kissed my hand.

Khodie parked the car. There was no one here. She got out and opened my door. She led me to the board walk. There was flowers and candles on the path. There was a table. We sat at the table there was steak and potatoes and green beans. "This place is amazing". "Yeah it's breath taking". We were eating our food when Khodie just looked at me again like she's never did before. "What?" I giggled.

"Tell me why you fuck with me".  "Okay I fuck with you because your special. Your one of a kind. Your dreamy and romantic. You are my fairytale. You make me happy and I even like when you make me mad because then you make me happy again. Your super talented and you put your heart and soul into everything you love. You complete me. I'm glad your in my life. Your my best friend and I love you". She had a tear fall from her eye. "Awe Khods are you crying?".

I felt my eyes getting misty and a tear fell from my eye. I started to cry silently. "Awe Khods are you crying?". "You make me so happy Janai". "I know I do".  "Janai Selena Diaz, you have made me the luckiest woman ever. You love me for who I am. With all my faults and scars. You are my better half. There's no one else out there for me. I want to grow old with you and have a family. " I got up and I reached in my pocket and I grabbed a black ring box out and I bent down on one knee, "This is why on this day I ask you this important question. Will you become my wife? Will you marry me Janai?". She covered her mouth and tears started to fall from her eyes. "Oh my gosh... your lying?". "No I'm not.. Will you marry me?".

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Where stories live. Discover now