I Cant Stand Her

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I woke up early I couldn't sleep. I'm just happy that Khodie is getting out the hospital today. I'm happy that she's walking even with a walker but it's fine at least she's getting better. She should be fully healed in a few. I woke up and flat ironed my hair and I put my extensions in and I did my makeup and I put some jeans and a crop top on and a jacket and some sneakers. I grabbed my bag and my keys and I put some food and water in Spechelle bowl and I left.

I drove to Starbucks and I got use some coffee and breakfast. I walked up to her room and her dad and sister were there talking to you. "Good morning everyone". I kissed Khodie's forehead. I handed her her breakfast. "Hey Janai you look nice today". "Awe thanks Mr.D. I've been waiting for this day for a long time". "Me too I'm sick of this hospital I just want to go home and be with you and my friends and family".

"Awe I'm happy your doing better baby sis". "Me too Charlie". "I'm about to go sign your release papers.". I was packing all of Khodie's stuff up and getting ready to go. Charlie walks past me and whisper,"remember what I said".

I rolled my eyes at her. I got Khodie changed and I gave her her walker. I went ahead to pull the car around to the front. She easily got it the car and buckled up. We were riding in the car on our way home. "I really hope you like the house". "It doesn't matter what it looks like as long as I'm with you I'm home babe". "Awe Khods your so cute". "I love you". "Awe I love you too babe". I gave her kiss and we started going to our new home for a couple of months.

I helped her out of the car and we walked up to the door. I put the pin code in on the door and I opened it. Everyone shouted surprise! "What... what are all y'all doing here?". "Me and the girls wanted to throw you a welcome home party with everyone". "Awe thanks that's so sweet". I helped her sit in a recliner. She was talking to her friends. I walked up to Lauren and Reyna.  "Thank you guys so much I owe you two big time". "Its fine really". "Yeah let's get this party started".

I turned on some music and I fixed Khodie and I some food. "Babe why isn't Celia here?".  "Because everyone that cares about you are here". "She does too come on. Be nice try to make things right between y'all let the past be in the past. I want y'all to be on good grounds. Plus I don't want her to hear about this and she wasn't invited that's a bit harsh". "Okay fine I'll text her okay if that will make you happy". "Yes it would".  "Fine". I smiled at her as I texted Celia. I still wanted to get my revenge on her. I mean she did bite me so she deserves an ass whooping.

I went to go clean some dishes and the door bell rung and Lauren went got the door. It was ms. Perfect herself Celia. I rolled my eyes at the sight of her. She went over and bent down to hug Khodie and then they started talking. Reyna walked up to me. "So you and Celia cool?".  "Fuck no that hoe is dead to me". "Then why is she here?". "Khodie wants her here and I can't deny my baby her wishes". "You a good girlfriend". "I know I try to be". "You are?". Celia looked over and waved at us. I smiled and waved back. She got up and started to walk up to us. "Oh god here this bitch go" I mumbled to myself.

"Hey Janai how are you doing". "I'm good a little bit tired. You know taking care of Khodie and stuff". "Oh I can help take care of her when your busy". "The hell you will" I mumbled to myself. "What?". "I said cool you will... that takes a lot of stress off of me". "It's not a problem what are friends for" she rubbed her hand up and down my arm then she walked away. I rubbed my arm trying to get her germs off. "I can't stand that girl ugh she makes me sick".

Later that night everyone went home I had help Khodie take a bath and I put her clothes on and we got in the bed. "Babe I'm so proud of you the way you acted when Celia was here". "No problem I will do anything for you no matter how much I can't stand her". She pulled me on top of her. "Babe I don't want to hurt you and your hip". "It's fine really.. I just want to say I'm so blessed to have you in my life.. even though we went through something bad we still make it work.

I could have died but I didn't god place you in my path for a reason. You were meant for me truly and now I know it for sure". "Awe babe I'm blessed to you too. You are my true happiness". I kissed her as I rolled off of her and I cuddle under her and we went to sleep. I was happy but now I know im gonna have to deal with Charlie. She doesn't want us together.

Because Of You (Lesbian story) *Kodie Shane*Where stories live. Discover now